Wednesday Reflection April 1, 2020 Beauty for Ashes (Restoration)
Wednesday Reflection April 1, 2020
Beauty for Ashes (Restoration)
Throughout history, there has been many stories of prophecies, warnings, destruction, war, famine, strife and complete and utter destruction; equally, there have been many accounts of repentance, forgiveness, restoration and blessings.
Today’s watchword from Isaiah 65:19 is a very timely reminder, it also helps to put things back into focus, encouraging the believer to place his unwavering faith in the Lord. Hear God say, ‘I will delight in my people; no more shall the sound of weeping be heard in it, or the cry of distress.
Jerusalem had experienced a period of depression, sadness, hopelessness and perhaps, the people and the city were experiencing what our world is facing right now. The Lord found favor once more in His people and declared that He would turn their mourning into dancing, give them gladness for joy and peace for despair.
Brothers and sisters, nothing that we face in and out of this life, is able to alter God’s character. He still speaks and winds obey, such is the might of our Lord. He is still touched by the feelings of our infirmities, and such is the lowliness of our God.
In Isaiah 65, the themes of judgment, repentance and restoration are evident to the reader. In the latter verses of the passage, the Lord promises His elect a new heaven and a new Earth where life as we now know it shall cease to exist. There will be no pain or suffering, no wars or rumors thereof. Instead, there will be harmony and misery and confusion will no longer abound.
Yes, today you may be experiencing sadness and you do not feel as if there is any sunshine left in your soul. All around you lies panic, confusion and depression. The happenings of 2020 may have been the beginning of your worries whilst for others, it is merely an addition to what they’ve considered to be a series of unfortunate events.
May I remind you friends, Jesus said to the desciples: so you have pain now but I will see you again and your hearts will rejoice; and no one will take your joy from you. St. John 16:22
In parting, I urge you brothers and sisters, to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Amen.
-Kerone Lamoth