Thursday Reflection November 11, 2021

Thursday Reflection November 11, 2021

Be careful of the lure of sin

So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise. Genesis 3:6 NRSV

Good day friends! Peace and love to you.

Chapter 3 of Genesis begins with a description of the serpent who represents Satan in this text. We’re told that the serpent was more crafty than any other animal made and evidence of this can be seen in the discourse it had with Eve. The serpent began with a “question” that misrepresented what God said in the first place. Eve corrects the serpent and states what God actually said, which was that she and Adam can eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden, except of the tree in the middle for if they eat or touch it they will die.

The serpent again showed his craftiness by telling Eve that she will not die, instead God told her not to eat or touch the fruit of the because their eyes will be opened and they will be like God knowing good and evil. So when the Eve saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise she ate and gave her husband as well.

As we look at what transpired and our verse for reflection there are some lessons that it teaches us about the lure of sin.

1) She saw it was good for food
The word saw used in this verse means a change of mentality or view. Eve was able to tell the serpent what God said concerning the tree in the middle of the garden, but after the conversation with the serpent her perception of the tree changed. It was no longer a forbidden tree, but one to indulge in. The lure of sin changes our view from that of God and we should be careful.

2) It was a delight to her eyes
Before the tree wasn’t of importance or significance to Eve. It’s almost like she saw the tree, but didn’t see the tree. It was there, but knowing it was “out of bounce” caused her not to bother with the tree. But after her discourse with the serpent, the tree became a delight to her eyes. Once one’s perception has changed sin now becomes a delight to the eyes. Here she lusted after the tree. The lure of sin can cause us to change our view of sin and that can cause us to lust.

3) The tree was to be desired to make one wise
The serpent said that once Eve eats of the tree she will be like God knowing good and evil. For Eve the tree was now to be desired, because it will give her wisdom. The lure of sin caused her desires to shift from pleasing God to doing what she wanted. Before the dialogue with the serpent she was contented in doing what God told her. But now her desires was about doing the opposite of what God wanted. The lure of sin will cause our desires to shift from God to self and we have to be careful.

Also to note the lure of sin impacts others and also gets them involve in sin as well. So we have to be careful.

Friends sin is tempting. It will entice us and drag us away from God. Let us be careful that we do not give into the lure of it.


Christopher Euphfa