Monday Reflection – November 01, 2021

Monday Reflection – November 01, 2021
Harvest Rejoicing

You have multiplied the nation, you have increased its joy; they rejoice before you as with joy at the harvest, as people exult when dividing plunder. Isaiah 9:3

Isaiah 9 offers a resounding word and promise of hope to the people of God. The Prophet declares the coming of the long-expected Messiah who would bring joy and gladness to Israel. In today’s Watchword, Isaiah speaks of a Harvest Festival; an old-fashioned celebration. He speaks of an all-out Hebrew celebration involving dancing, eating, drinking, and worship. The real concept of harvest is lost on most people of our day and time. Many give no thought to planting and cultivation and irrigation. Nor do they consider the rearing and care of livestock and animals. Most people in our culture have no idea what a stalk of grain looks like. They have never seen a chicken lay an egg. They have never seen a cow being milked. All they know is that they can get whatever food they need or want from the grocery store. Somehow it is always there. Built into Israel’s culture and faith life was a number of harvest festivals, so the people remember and rejoice that food and drink and other blessings do not just appear by themselves.

Today’s text speaks of the spirit of rejoicing before God as with joy at the harvest. Isaiah recognizes that harvest joy is directed towards God. Everything comes from God. Isaiah addresses God as ‘You’ three times in this verse to emphasize that we are dependent on God. Not just partially dependent but fully dependent. Not just dependent in times of emergency but all the time. We are more dependent upon God than most of us even imagine, and sadly, fail to recognize. The same God who dropped the bread of heaven upon the camp of Israel commands the earth to yield its crops. The same God who brought water from a rock also fills the seas. The same God who provided meat for his people, causes chickens to lay eggs and cows to give milk.

While we receive physical blessings from God, a harvest joy also comes from God’s spiritual blessings. The text speaks of God multiplying the nation. God adds to His fold, His chosen nation, and for this Isaiah says that there should be rejoicing. The Lord’s harvest is more about the spiritual blessings than the physical, where persons are surrendering to the Lordship of God. Let’s not forget that conversion is the Lord’s work. We are reminded  that the only multiplication of the church that is to be desired is that which God sends. If we add to our membership by becoming worldly and accommodating, our increase is worth nothing at all. If our growth comes by using entertainment and gimmicks, our increase is worth nothing at all. If our growth comes by compromising the truth, our increase is worth nothing at all. Note verse 2: “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” Look at the change! People come out of horrible darkness into glorious light. They are now new creatures in Christ.

Today, let’s rejoice in God’s physical and spiritual harvest. Yet we must remind ourselves that one day there will be a final harvest. Here both rejoicing and mourning will exist when the Messiah, not as a child that is born, but as reigning King, will separate those who are for Him and those who are not. May we be found faithful and enjoy eternal rejoicing.  

Jermaine Gibson