Wednesday Reflection, September 1, 2021

Wednesday Reflection, September 1, 2021

Our Sure Salvation

Brothers and sisters, greetings! Today’s reflection bids us look at a time in David’s life in which he endured a very rough period. This is not strange considering that David endured many such periods however, Psalm 69, referred to an urgent plea for help in trouble, David was not merely speaking just because he could talk.

The Psalmist had gotten to a point where he felt as if he was drowning and being consumed. As I have felt, and perhaps you too have felt, David told the Lord that it appeared as if those who were against him were more than those that were with him. He worried that others who would perhaps come to know the Lord might have been dissuaded in doing so because of him and his life. He did not want anyone looking at him and thinking his God was not sovereign simply because of the period/s of his trials.

David had become a laughing stock, he was mocked and jeered constantly. Life, for him was an uncomfortable place; yet, in today’s watchword, Psalm 69:13, David declared, ‘ but as for me, my prayer is to You, O Lord, in the acceptable time; O God, in the multitude of your mercy, hear me in the truth of your Salvation.

Friends, is there anything/ anyone that seeks to overwhelm you today, even in this moment, could you be experiencing the feeling of drowning, as if there is no one in your corner or that life has simply ganged up on you? You are not alone, in the same way David was not alone, God sees and hears you. Trust that His love is great and that His salvation is sure.

In today’s New Testament text, Jesus said, “if you ask anything of the Father in my name, he will give it to you.” John 16:23

Until next week, let us join T. Herbert Driscoll in prayer, most holy Father, thanks for the gift of salvation through Jesus, our lord and savior. Your divine favor and boundless love is a banner over us, save us, we pray, from the perils of this life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Tuesday Reflection- August 31, 2021

There’s Balance in God’s Action

In every situation there are two sides. Our ability to view both sides help us to have a more balanced understanding. In today’s watchword God helps the prophet Jeremiah to understand that there is a balanced approach to all that He does, thus even in times of hopelessness, there will always be a glimmer of hope. Today’s Watchword is from Jeremiah 32: 42. Thus says the Lord, “Just as I have brought all this great disaster upon this people, so I will bring upon them all the good fortune that I now promise them.

As the city of Jerusalem was under siege by the Babylonian army, a war which they would lose, God spoke to the prophet, and following the vision he purchased a field in Jerusalem. Jeremiah instructed his servant to safely secure the deeds in anticipation of the time when the land would again be valuable to his family. It may have seemed strange, this buying of a prized property during a time of war and uncertainty. God, however, wanted the people to know through the words and action of the prophet that even though they were facing defeat and displacement, that would not be the end of their story. They were still his chosen people, his covenant people and as such would never be without hope. We learn from the passage that Judah’s pending displacement was because of their sin. The Covenant love that God had for them however would lead to their return to their homes. God would not punish them without hope of restoration but would offer redemption and return to the repentant demonstrating balance in God’s justice.

The balance of God’s justice is demonstrated in the vast difference between the reason for Judah’s judgement and her redemption. The people are being judged because of their rebellious disobedience to God. They became an idolatrous people, following pagan religions, and turning away from the principles of their faith. They fell below God’s desired expectation of them as his chosen people in their desire to be more like the people among whom they lived. It’s a lesson to us today that we need to be careful not follow the world, but rather follow Christ. God’s redemptive love was shown in that even as Judah was being displaced, even as they were losing everything, they were being promised a time of return to the land and to wealthy times. This would happen as God worked on them to bring them to a spiritual level such as they have never experienced. The punishment would bring them a fresh understanding of God’s goodness, and new experiences of God’s blessings. We see this balanced action of God played out even more vividly in the New Testament as God sent his Son Jesus Christ into a world deserving of his judgment, not to condemn, but to save those who believe on His name. Today as we see the many disasters that seek to overtake us, as we grapple with a worldwide pandemic that has impacted ever living human being, as we see political and social upheavals the world over, we find hope in God’s word that despite it all, there is hope for a brighter future for God will never abandon us to destruction. David was sure of this when he wrote in Psalm 16: 9 – 11: Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices; My flesh also will rest in hope.
10 For You will not leave my soul in Sheol, Nor will You allow Your Holy One to see corruption. 11 You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Dear friend, things may not be the way we want at the moment, but in God’s plan for us, there will be brighter days. Hold on in this moment, and trust in the balanced actions of God for what the future holds. Amen.

Monday Reflection – August 30, 2021 Why? For what Reason?

Monday Reflection – August 30, 2021
Why? For what Reason?

Woe to those who go to great depths to hide their plans from the Lord, who do their work in darkness and think, “Who sees us? Who will know?” Isaiah 29:15

As I read today’s Watchword, I could hear the question ‘why’ sounding loudly in my ears. Infact, the text begs a number of ‘whys’. Why do people go to great depths to hide? Why would someone want to hide from God? And the list goes on. But even as I ask why, I can hear psychiatrist, Professor Wendel Abel saying to me, “Jermaine, why is not a good question to ask especially in a counselling session. Why puts people in a defensive mode. You should ask instead, what are the reasons for your action/feeling etc.?”  

The text beckons us to ask, what are the reasons for one to hide their plans from God? For what reasons do people work in the dark, under the shadow, in hiding? Clearly, there must be something that we do not want another to see. Or something that would result in serious consequences if others were to see or know. Infact, the text implies a serious level of hypocrisy on the part of persons who not just hide, but go to great depths to hide. When we have to hide like this, we live a lie and what we say and who we are is a sham, a façade, a fake. We project ourselves as one thing, but the real us is another.

Another dimension of this hiding and acting under the covers has to do with our motives or even ill motives. This is where one’s actions sometimes have to be brought under the microscope. We may pretend to be doing good, but our real motives are not for the good of others. No matter how great, wonderful and commendable our actions are, if they are not driven by righteous and godly motives, it is all in vain. Whenever we have ulterior motives, we need a heart check. In the context of this text, the prophet offers some stinging criticism of the people of God. He says in verse 13 that they draw near to God with their mouths and honour Him with their lips, but have removed their hearts far from Him. The people knew how to talk the spiritual talk, but their hearts were far from God. In other words, only mouth talk, no heart connection.

Today’s text says that the people hide and then think, “Who sees us? Who will know?” In their false wisdom, the proud people of Jerusalem thought they could hide their thoughts and their deeds from the Lord. We must not forget that Adam and Eve planned a hide out from God, but to no avail. Solomon reminds us in Proverbs 15:3, “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.” Paul affirms this truth in today’s New Testament text, “Everything exposed by the light becomes visible.” Ephesians 5:13 We can hide from man, but not from God.

As we strive to live for God, let us be true to God, ourselves and to others. As we think and make decisions to act, let us ask ourselves, “For what reason(s) am I going to say or do this?” If those reasons are not for God’s glory and the edification of others, let’s stop and reverse. We glorify God when our lives are committed to the wellbeing of others, and helping each other to fulfil God’s purpose and become our best.

Jermaine Gibson 

Saturday Reflection – 28 August 2021

Saturday Reflection – 28 August 2021

“The promise is for you, for your children, and for all who are far away, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to him.” Acts 2:39

It was the Day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit descended on God’s people all gathered together in one accord in the upper room. And as they spoke in other tongues, and others mocked them, as if there were in fact drunk. There the Apostle Peter corrected their delusion and declares what is popularly known and recorded in Acts 2 verses 16-17 “No, this is what was spoken through the prophet Joel: ‘In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.”

Further in his message, the Apostle Peter preaches Christ, the one who was crucified, as the one in whom alone, the people can be saved. We are then told that the people were cut to the heart, and asked what is it that they could do to be saved. Being told by Peter that they should repent and be baptized, there Peter declares “The promise is for you, for your children, and for all who are far away, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to him. And he testified with many other arguments and exhorted them, saying, “Save yourselves from this corrupt generation.” (verses 39-40) And that they heard the message of salvation, was that day saved, and added to the church.

When we reflect on the Day of Pentecost, we can never forget the descent of the Holy Spirit on the church, and their speaking in other tongues. Further Peter’s message to the people cannot be forgotten and their response in accepting the message and being baptized, and scripture tells us that about three thousand people were added that day. Just a few weeks ago, we reflected on our own Moravian experience of Pentecost, and in that light, reflected on the promise of the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit who pours into our lives, the love that is unmatched by the world, the peace that passes all understanding and the joy of the Lord, which is our strength.

The promise, my brothers and sisters, is offered by our Lord Jesus Christ is his invitation to all of us, to come to Him, who is the Good Shepherd, the Bread of Life, the Way, Truth and Life, the Door, the Gate, the Light of the World and the Resurrection and the Life. When we accept the salvific message, and experience God’s grace, then we will find in Him our all-in-all. Christ offers to us new life, and promises to us, that in Him, we will experience abundant life in the here and now, and eternal life in the next. That in Him, we experience the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, living on the inside and working on the outside, bringing about the change in our lives. And being so filled and led, we experience the love, peace, and joy that the Holy Spirit offers. We find in Him our all-in-all.

This promise is to all who would come to Him, no matter the state that we come in, as it is written “…where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more.” (Romans 5:20) In a world, where sin, sorrow, sickness, darkness, depression and despondency abound, as Christians, we can rejoice in the fulfilment of God’s promise in our own lives, as God fulfils His perfect will, and we can impart the message of hope and promise to the world, that they too may come and experience the promise. As a church, we remember this promise, in the gift of the Holy Spirit as having birth the church, and continues to propel us to fulfil the mandate of Christ. Apart from the Holy Spirit, we are strangers to this promise, and our work is in vain. With the Holy Spirit, the teacher of truth, our guide and defence, then we given all that we need, to be all that God intends us to be. This promise is open to the Body of Christ, to community of committed believers, to believe, to engage and trust the leading of the Holy Spirit, only then will we be complete.

Until next week, may we recommit our lives, and our mission to Christ, that we may experience afresh the love, peace and joy that comes with being a sheep of Jesus. Then let us shine the light and love of God, in an otherwise dark and lonely world, that others may hear and experience the promises of God. Amen.

Dominic J. Blair

Thursday Reflection August 26, 2021

Thursday Reflection August 26, 2021

Called out to work

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
1 Peter 2:9 NRSV

Peter wrote to the Jewish Christians scattered throughout Asia Minor possibly during the persecution of Emperor Nero to encourage Christians during their time of suffering. Towards the end of chapter 1 Peter reminded them that only God’s word remain forever, people are like grass and will fade away. Therefore, beginning chapter 2, he encouraged them to put away deceit, hypocrisy, jealousy and all kind of slander and seek spiritual milk.

Why should we do this? Because we belong to Christ who is the cornerstone of God’s temple. As the cornerstone he makes people stumble and cause them to fall because they do not obey God’s word. But those who belong to Christ are not like that; they do not stumble. They are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation and God’s very own people.

As God’s very own people Peter highlights what our goal is as part of God’s temple.

1.) Come out of darkness

As a minister of the Gospel there are certain expectations of me. I’m not expected to dress, talk, and behave in a manner that conflicts with who I am as a pastor. Likewise, as God’s chosen people there are certain expectations of us as Christians or part of God’s temple. Some of which was mentioned earlier in the chapter. Avoid deceit, hypocrisy, jealousy and slander. But Peter continues in verse 11 “keep away from worldly desires that wage war against your very souls. In other words avoid temptation. When we carry out these requirements then we have come out of darkness.

2.) Show others the goodness of God

It has often been said, “seeing is believing” and a statement I couldn’t agree with more. We know that God is good because we’ve seen it and experienced it. In verse 9 the NRSV says proclaim the mighty acts and the NIV says declare, but the NLT and the KJV says show others his goodness or shew forth the praises of him who called you out of darkness. I like the word show, because its not just speaking out of one’s mouth. There is a sense of action that is accompanied with it. So show others the goodness of God.

How do you do that you might ask? The same way Jesus has treated you, treat others likewise. If Jesus has forgiven you, forgive others. If Jesus has showed you love even when you don’t deserve it, show others love even when they don’t deserve it. If Jesus has given up his all to help you, give up your all to help others. There is no better demonstration of God’s goodness than when you show it to others.

So Christians, we’re God’s very own people. Come out of darkness, and show others the goodness of God for we have been called out to work.


Christopher Euphfa

Tuesday Reflection- August 24, 2021

The Faithful Shall Inhabit God’s Everlasting Kingdom

There are twelve chapters in the book of Daniel, six, historical and six prophetic. Chapter 7 marks the point where the book switched from history to prophecy. The prophecy begins with Daniel’s vision of the Kingdom of God and what that meant for an Israel that was living under Babylonian captivity. Jerusalem may have been destroyed, the sovereign kingdom of Israel uprooted, and the religion left in disarray, but there would be a time when God’s kingdom would reign upon the earth as the greatest of all kingdoms. Today’s Watchword is from Daniel 7: 14. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom will never be destroyed.

Consider the state of the nation of Israel. Their city of Jerusalem was destroyed, and the people carried away into Babylonian captivity. They lost their leaders, their religious practices and treasures, and their way of life. In Babylon they were given new identities, new homes and a new religion. We know of the determination of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, also that of Mordecai and Esther. These were all outstanding servants of God who stood upon the foundation of their faith even in the most difficult situations. I’m sure there were many others that Daniel did not write about. We learn two valuable lessons from today’s text and the background to it. Firstly, we should never give up, never throw in the towel even when things seem completely hopeless. When we read of the different situations that these heroes of Daniel faced, we realize that when we trust God completely and refuse to follow the call of society to turn away from dedicated service, God will come through for us. When we are fearless in our faith even during adversities, God will protect us. When we are willing to give up everything and place our lives on the line for the sake of our faith, God will elevate us. I want to encourage someone today who has been on the verge of giving up, of turning away. God has a plan for you and if you stand faithful, you will reap the benefit. God has you in his hands.

Secondly, we learn that regardless of how things may seem now, we should never lose focus of what God has in store. Jeremiah, Isaiah, and other prophets of the time prophesied a return from Babylon for God’s people. God would not abandon them in a strange land but would bring them back, would deliver and redeem them. Their redemption from Babylon would be the precursor of a greater redemption that God had in store. This would be accomplished through the establishment of God’s kingdom upon the earth. While the kingdoms of Israel and Babylon could suffer displacement and defeat, God’s kingdom would be forever. God would be the sovereign ruler over all nations and their own rulers. These world rulers would have no choice but to declare the lordship of Christ as he is established upon the throne of God’s universal and everlasting kingdom. Phil 2: 9 – 11 tells us that God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. I thank God today that you and I are part of this everlasting kingdom. Yes friends, we who are part of the church on earth know that God’s dominion can never be given to another, and his kingdom can never be destroyed. Many have tried and many more will try but remember Jesus’ words to Peter. The gates of hell will not prevail against the church. Government policies may hinder her work and mission, society may shun her and turn their backs on her, even taking the lives of her servants, but in the words of Matthew Henry: The church shall continue militant to the end of time, and triumphant to the endless ages of eternity. Therefore beloved, regardless of what you endure, hold fast to the faith for we know that it is to those who endure to the end that the crown of eternal life will be given. It is the faithful who will inhabit God’s everlasting kingdom. Amen.

Monday Reflection – August 23, 2021 Tribute to a Friend – Paul Baker

Monday Reflection – August 23, 2021
Tribute to a Friend – Paul Baker

I spent most of the past week reflecting on the life of my friend, Paul Baker and how dear he was to me and my family. Jaydon’s godfather, friend, brother, supportive and always willing member, confidante, counsellor and comrade. Dedicated husband and father. What a man! I grieve deeply, but cannot begin to imagine the depth of the sorrow of my dear sister Denise and nieces Jhoni and Toni. God’s got you my friends.

I went digging through my past reflections to find one that I can dedicate to Pablo. I found this one done on January 08, 2018, titled “Purposeful Living”. I offer it in tribute to my friend, Paul Baker who lived purposefully.

When their breath departs, they return to the earth; on that very day their plans perish. Psalm 146:4

Somehow there is the potential for us to hide when we read this text and reflect on its stark reality. As I read it last week, I unconsciously avoided it. I didn’t realize until I read it again yesterday and noted the jolt it caused at its declaration. 

We are forced to reflect on:

  1. Death – This is the inevitability of humans. The Bible is replete with descriptions about the uncertainty and brevity of life. These include: life is like a mist, a vapour, a hand-breath. David says in today’s text that we will die and return to the ground and then our plans come to nothing. We came here empty-handed and will depart the same way. Have you ever thought about the volumes of thoughts, plans and resources that are buried in a graveyard?  
  2. Life – I believe that today’s text is not meant to deter us from planning, but only to remind us that our plans will one day come to an end. More than that, planning without the direction of God will get us nowhere. The text challenges us to live each day purposefully by putting our trust in God, and not princes nor mortal.

Jesus asked in today’s Doctrinal text: Can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life? Matthew 6:27. The answer is obvious. In fact, worrying only reduces life and stifles our energy and capacity to achieve our highest potential. We are to give it all to God, seek our help from him and hope in him. We are to seize the moments of each day and make the best of it, always ensuring that God is glorified. Our plans may die, but we have the opportunity to leave a lasting legacy by how we live each day. 

  1. After death – Death comes with finalities, but death is not final and will not have the final say. Breath will one day depart from us, we return to the dust, our plans will perish, but the story doesn’t end there. We have to face the ultimate Judge who determines how we spend eternity. Our end is based on how we lived each day. We ought to live with eternity in view.

In life there is death, yet in death there is life eternal. Let’s live each day as if it’s the last. 

Jermaine Gibson 

Saturday Reflection – 21 August 2021

Saturday Reflection – 21 August 2021

“God proves his love towards us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8

Have you ever been asked the question, “Well if God loves us so much, how comes so much trouble is happening to us?” Or “Why doesn’t God stop all the evil and calamity that is happening in the world?” These questions came to my mind in my own reflection on today’s doctrinal text, as we as a people, seem to often ask God to prove his love for us. Furthermore, we tend to set standards, such as the ones made in these two questions, and use them to question God’s love for us.

However, as the Apostle Paul writes in Romans 5, he acknowledges the peace that we have as Christians, through our Lord Jesus Christ. And now being saved, we can rejoice in our salvation and not only that but also in our sufferings. Hear Paul in verses 3-5 “And not only that, but we also boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.” As the Apostle writes, he makes it clear, that our sufferings, our experiences, the hardships, and challenges that we face, are there to produce endurance. Think about the lessons that we gain, the stronger we become, the more value we put on the fruits of our labour, just because of how hard it took to get there. Then endurance produces character. Look at the resilient people we become, trusting in God, and following the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Finally, character produces hope, which has been defined by the Wiley Online Dictionary as “the confident expectation of what God has promised, and its strength is in His faithfulness.”

We trust God to be who He says He is and will do what God says He will do. That God will work all things together for good, according to God’s will, God’s plan, and purpose for our lives. Hope then, will not disappoint us, why, because God’s love has been poured in our hearts through the Holy Spirit. Have we ever been refreshed, or strengthened, just by a song, by prayer or worship, by reading a bible verse, or by the encouragement given to us by our family or church member or friend? Often, we are reminded that God loves us, and because God loves us, he will remain faithful. And we feel better or strengthened, committed to trust God, and believe that God will make a way. That hope that does not disappoint us, because God remains faithful to his promises.

Having said all this, Paul reminds us of the ultimate example of sacrificial love given to humanity, in the death of Christ on the cross. That the godly died for the ungodly. It is through Christ’s sacrifice that we are saved and sanctified. Had Christ not taken our place, and paid the penalty for sin, then we would have to meet judgement for ourselves. Isn’t that love, and a love that none other could match. In fact, Jesus said in St. John 15:13 “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” This demonstration of God’s love is the ultimate example, and the ultimate reminder, that no matter what we face, no matter the hardship, the challenge, God still loves us, and the God who through Christ went all the way to Calvary, will go all the way, to fulfill his will, his promise and purpose for our lives. So, we ought then, to trust and obey. The challenges that we face are not an indicator that God no longer loves us, nor have we fallen out of God’s care, especially when we remain faithful to God. The challenges are meant to refine us, and will produce endurance, then character, then hope, which in the end does not disappoint us.