Monday Reflection – July 05, 2021 Honouring God’s Name

Monday Reflection – July 05, 2021
Honouring God’s Name

You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not acquit anyone who misuses his name. Exodus 20:7

I believe that for many of us from a very young age we were exposed to the reality of the ten commandments. Some persons participated in Sunday School, church services, Bible Quiz etc. where we were required to memorize and articulate what the ten commandments are. A very popular one is the Watchword for today where we would regularly say, “God says, ‘Thou shall not take the name of the Lord in vain’”. We must never miss out the part that says, “God says” for the ten commandments found in Exodus 20 is prefaced by the statement, “And God spoke all these words, saying…” God spoke directly to Israel as a whole, as they assembled together at the foot of Mount Sinai. God’s laws for humanity are expressed in strong simple terms, understandable to all, and deal with the temptations of the common man.

When one analyzes the ten commandments, we may agree that the first four relate to our conduct before God, while the remaining six deal with our relationship with our fellow human being. Our Watchword is in the context of the first four commandments, which are:
1.      You shall have no other gods before me.

2.      You shall not make for yourself an idol… You shall not bow down to them or worship them.

3.      You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God

4.      Remember the sabbath day, and keep it holy.

In the ancient world, humans worshipped many gods. Here, Yahweh, the covenant God of Israel, set Himself apart from any of the other supposed deities and commands that the people should have no other gods. God also prohibits idolatry regarding false gods and forbids them from making an image of any created thing that they might worship. Then God says that the people should not take his name in vain. But what does this mean? David Guzik suggests that there are at least three ways this command is commonly disobeyed.

Profanity: Using the name of God in blasphemy and cursing
Frivolity: Using the name of God in a superficial, stupid way
Hypocrisy: Claiming the name of God but acting in a way that disgraces Him
And God instructs that anyone who takes His name in vain will not be acquitted or held guiltless.

Are we making wrongful use of the name of the Lord? Are we using the name of God in blasphemy and cursing? Are we using God’s name in a superficial and stupid way? Are we claiming the name of God but acting in a way that disgraces Him? Do we name God as our God but are not following Him? Do we claim to be followers of Christ, but conduct our lives contrary to His word? Are we honouring God in our words and actions? Today’s text challenges us to reflect on these things. If we are guilty, let’s confess our failures, and together let us commit to honour God’s name. Amen.

Jermaine Gibson

Friday Reflection July 2, 2021

Friday Reflection
July 2, 2021
Remember This

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—
Ephesians 2:8 NIV

Good morning friends, happy Friday!
Today I share with you a poem as we reflect on the scripture above.

Remember this
Remember that you are saved by grace and NOT by works.
NOT by the works of your hand, but by a great and mighty man… JESUS! the one and only true DON!

Never leave us nor forsake us, never stop holding our hands. Not because of our plans, but because of his divine intention.

Remember this
Remember that grace is a GIFT 🎁 .
Once you get the gist, you remain legit.
True and faithful to the giver, NOT forgetting he’s a winner.

Once you remember that Grace is a gift,
You will not boast , not even about your dish.
But instead you will be thankful even if you only have one fish.

Remember this
Every good gift comes from God, it’s not a myth.
It’s never about you, it’s all about HIM.
All about his salvation, his restoration and his dedication.

Remember this
His grace is sufficient for you, in your time of weakness, his strength is made perfect!
It is nothing good that you have done, it’s ONLY because you have accepted the SON.
The Son of God comes that you might have life and have it more abundantly.

Remember this
There is nothing to gain from your works, but by faith you will be able to stand in his Grace.
His free gift!
ALWAYS remember this, you are saved by grace and not the works of your hands


Written by:
Shaneka Raymore Euphfa

Thursday Reflection July 1, 2021

Thursday Reflection

July 1, 2021

God has not changed

Yet I have been the Lord your God ever since the land of Egypt; you know no God but me, and besides me there is no saviour.
Hosea 13:4

Greetings to you on this the first day of July. As some of us reflect on the first half of the year let us remember God has not changed

God used the relationship of Hosea and his wife to illustrate His love for his sinful people. God instructed Hosea to marry Gomer even though he know beforehand that she would leave him. After that period of abandonment God again instructed Hosea to love Gomer and take her as wife again. This illustration demonstrated the love God has for his children even when they were rebellious.

Our text for today begins with the Lord reminding the children of Israel [in this passage referred to as Ephraim] of their greatness. At the time Hosea wrote to them Ephraim was going through a period of success. They were self sufficient and had great wealth. The nation was prosperous.

There was no challenge that was causing them to seek God’s face. As a result they became complacent and engaged in idol worship. They sinned by making silver idols and skillfully carved images with their hands. They sacrificed their children to these idols and worshipped them. Hence a warning from the Lord, “They will disappear like the morning mist and like the smoke from a chimney.

The people had changed. The success they were experiencing caused them to forget God. It caused them to do whatever they wanted which included idol worship. Like Gomer they committed adultery and turned their back on the Lord.

How many of us have turned our backs on the Lord, because things are not bad right now. How often as a church we forget to seek the Lord, because we’re not going through a crisis. I remember when the church went through a crisis and we sought the face of God, but now that things are okay we no longer seek the face of God. Like the children of Israel we’re comfortable and when we’re comfortable we then to get complacent and when we become complacent we will be punished. But hear the good news, God has not changed

The same Lord who brought the children of Israel out of Egypt and fed them in the wilderness is the same God today who is willing like Hosea to receive us again. God loves us so much that He will accept us, if we turn from our adultery. Let us turn back to God and seek his face before the Lord’s wrath falls on our complacency.

Christopher Euphfa