Monday Reflection – June 07, 2021 God’s Steadfast Love in the Morning

Monday Reflection – June 07, 2021God’s Steadfast Love in the Morning
Let me hear of your steadfast love in the morning, for in you I put my trust. Teach me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. Psalm 143:8
Psalm 143 describes David in another crisis. Because his life was filled with so much activity and danger, it is challenging to link this Psalm to any one particular point of crisis. It could be when David was recognized as king and living as a fugitive from King Saul, or it could be from David’s time as king, particularly when his son Absalom led a rebellion against him. What is clear is that David is facing danger and pleading for God’s help. Experience has taught David that he must cry out to God or he would be lost. Not only is David crying out, but he wants a quick answer, so he says in verse 7, “Answer me speedily, O Lord”. Like David, we know that God always does things in His own time and at just the right time, but some crises of life become so unbearable that we desire God’s urgent intervention and deliverance.
In today’s Watchword, David wants to hear of God’s steadfast love in the morning. David needs to hear a good word from God, and asks that he would be caused to hear it. Perhaps David wonders if God is speaking and he is failing to hear. Isn’t it true that so many times God is speaking but we are not listening? We are not in tune with the Lord, or perhaps caught up in the busyness of life that we have shut out the voice of God. I was listening recently to a sermon by TD Jakes who said that if he were the devil, he would keep us busy. For when we get so busy, we fail to benefit from the still waters that the Lord provides, where He converses with us, revealing His will and plan for our lives, and we experience His peace.
At this moment David needs to hear something of God’s great mercy, His lovingkindness, His steadfast love. He needs to hear this early in the morning, so he will have the assurance and know where and how to walk during the day. David confesses that he didn’t know the way, and that he needed God to cause him to know the way. He didn’t only need the love of God, he also needed the guidance of God. Indeed, we can never go wrong when we start the day with God and follow His Holy Spirit’s guidance. Therefore, as we start making physical preparations for the day, we must also make spiritual preparations. Taking time with God every morning requires practice and discipline. There are dozens of things that may try to pull us away and distract us, but we must ignore them and make time for the Lord. Often the enemy tries to meddle in our lives, so that we think that we do not have time for prayer and meditation and we fool ourselves into believing that we will set aside time later in the day to spend with God.  
When we begin the day with God, He sends us off in the right direction because He knows what is waiting for us. Trusting Him means taking time with Him to set our course for the day according to His will. Isaiah says, the Lord “wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed.” (Isaiah 50:4) As we seek to meet the challenges, bear the burdens, resist the temptations, solve problems, and fulfil the responsibilities to which we are exposed to each day, may we first draw near to God for His guidance, undergirded by His steadfast love.  
Jermaine Gibson