Monday Reflection – May 03, 2021 Rolling Back the Curtain

They confronted me in the day of my disaster, but the Lord was my support. He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me. 2 Samuel 22:19-20
Roll back the curtain of memory now and thenShow me where you brought me from and where I could have beenJust remember I’m a human and humans forgetSo remind me, remind me dear Lord.

This song may best describe this Psalm of praise by David in 2 Samuel 22. The Psalm appears almost as David’s final words. Thus, it is a summary thanksgiving for God’s many deliverances of David throughout his long life. This song is the same as Psalm 18, with minor variations. David looks back on his entire life with tremendous gratitude and sings this song. It is a summary of David’s whole character and attitude through life. Morgan shares that David possesses a strong conviction of the absolute sovereignty of Jehovah, of God’s omnipotent power to deliver, of the necessity for obedience to His law, and of assurance that in the case of such obedience God ever acts for His people. This constituted the underlying strength of David’s character.
David piles title upon title in praising God – such as rock, fortress, deliverer, shield, stronghold, refuge, Saviour. God’s work for David was so big and comprehensive that it could not be contained in one title. This reveals that that which David sings is more than theory, it is personal experience. God delivered David from so much, for example Goliath, Saul, Israel’s enemies, Absalom, and even his own sinful passions. We would do well to recognize that God takes us through some stuff so that the words from scripture may come alive, and the songs we sing become more meaningful.
David recalls how danger surrounded him on every side – physically, spiritually, emotionally, socially. He was on the brink of ruin when he cried out to God. The enemy of our soul wants us to believe that we cannot call upon the Lord in our distress – as if we had to be right with God and sitting peacefully in a prayer chapel to pray rightly. David knew that God hears our distress signals. Impressively, David magnificently describes God rising from his throne in heaven in response to his servant’s cry, parting the clouds, and descending to fight the king’s battles accompanied by earthquakes, thunder, storms and lightning. David pictures the Lord coming to meet his need, coming with glory and speed. He came so fast to David that it seemed that God travelled upon the wings of the wind. What a God to our rescue!!!
The Psalmist possesses confidence in the love of God. Such love God has for us that he won’t tolerate the distress of His beloved. David knew that all the victory was due to God’s hand, not due to his own ingenuity or ability. Without the Lord for support David knew he would fall. He had a sense of God’s delight in him. His plea for deliverance was rooted in relationship, not merely in a desire to survive. What do we see when we look back on our lives? What do we recall as we roll back the curtains? Who do we see? I trust that we see a loving God who journeys right alongside us, leading, guiding, correcting, protecting, delivering, providing, supporting, strengthening, enabling and empowering us. And may we never fail to give to God all the praise and glory that He so rightly deserves.
Jermaine Gibson 

Friday Reflection – April 30, 2021 The Gospel of Peace

Friday Reflection – April 30, 2021
The Gospel of Peace
The word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ: (he is Lord of all:)Acts 10:36 KJV 
Jesus did not come into the world, for some, but for all men: Jews , Gentiles and all nations. It was foretold through the prophet Isaiah ( 9:6-7) and again in Acts chapter 10, we hear Peter proclaiming this same Gospel of peace ( Jesus is Lord of all).
 Jesus Christ, by whom peace is made between God and man, is Lord of all. *There are 3 things we should note about this Gospel of peace:*
1.  The Gospel of peace through Jesus Christ advocates for right standing not just with God, but also peace among men ( all nations).
2. The Gospel of peace is the extended grace of our Lord Jesus Christ to ALL people. Not Just ‘Christians’, but to all those who seek a relationship with him. 
3. The Gospel of peace is everlasting. There is no end to this peace that is offered through Jesus Christ. 
May the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, guard your hearts and mind in Christ Jesus. May you be able to stand before God and man as one who is overshadowed by the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ. May your mouth speak only the things that will facilitate peace and love. May you never forget or discredit the peace which Jesus offers to all people. Let peace everlasting guide you in the way you are to go. 
Until next week, let the beauty of Jesus be seen in you.
Many Blessings,Shaneka Raymore Euphfa

Thursday Reflection – April 29, 2021Jesus our Advocate

Thursday Reflection – April 29, 2021Jesus our Advocate

“My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.” 1 John 2:1 NRSV
Good night friends,
We have breaking news. We now go to court in session.
Bailiff: Please rise. The Court of the Heavenly Kingdom, is now in session, the Honorable Judge the Lord God Almighty presiding. 
God: Everyone may be seated.God: Let me remind you that this is a bench trial where I am judge and jury. 
God: Bailiff what is today’s case? 
Bailiff: Your Honour, today’s case is The Kingdom of Heaven versus the person reading or listening this reflection.   
God: Is the prosecution ready? 
Satan: Yes, Your Honour.  
God: Is the defense ready? Jesus: Yes, Your Honor.  
God: Satan can you give us your opening statement. 
Satan: God today I will prove that the person reading this message has sinned against you and is deserving of death. This person has sinned against you not once, not twice but countless times. We know what the scripture says, “For the wages of sin is death” and this sinner before you deserves to die. How can a just God be associated with such a sinful person. 
In 1 John chapter 1 Saint John says that those who have fellowship with him and live in darkness lie and do not have the truth in them. The person reading this has sinned and therefore the truth is not within them, hence they are deserving of death. That is all your honour. Thank you. 
God: Jesus your opening statement. How does your client plead? 
Jesus: My client pleads guilty your honour. Indeed the person reading this has sinned. There is no doubt about that. Indeed the punishment for sin is death. But I want to highlight that my client does not make sinning  a habit as Satan puts it.  If Satan had continued reading into chapter 2 of said 1 John he would have realised that whilst we do not want anyone to sin, however  IF by some moment of weakness they do sin, the person who sins has an advocate in Jesus. 
Your honour Satan is trying to create the picture that this person is deserving of death, but must I remind Satan as advocate I’ve already paid the price for this person’s sin.  Therefore, the sin of the person reading and listening to this reflection is not held against them once they have accepted me in their heart and sincerely confess their sin. 
God: I’ve listened to both arguments and I have decided to dismiss the case against the person reading this Reflection. Once they accepted my son Jesus and confessed their sins, they are free to go. Case dismissed. Court adjourned. 
Friends we have an advocate who makes Intercession for us when we sin. This does not mean we continue sinning because of our advocate but in the event that we do Jesus is there for us. 
Christopher Euphfa

Wednesday Reflection, April 28, 2021 A Considerate Father

Wednesday Reflection, April 28, 2021
A Considerate Father
Brothers and sisters, I greet you well. Have you ever done a favor for someone or shown them kindness yet they appear oblivious to all you do. There may be some who might argue that you don’t do enough and keep expecting or demanding more.
What of Parents who have ungrateful children yet they remain patient with them. They still love them and provide for them.
In Hosea 11, the Lord God spoke through the prophet, as if experiencing a state of nostalgia, He recalled when Israel was a young nation and how He loved, protected, provided for and rescued them from those who sought to oppress and enslave them in Egypt. Even into adulthood, they were still being protected and provided for. In today’s watchword, Hosea 11:3 Jehovah says, ‘I taught Ephraim also to go, taking them by their arms; but they knew not that I healed them.’
Freedom and grace were given to the people yet they kept returning to the familiarity of sin. The Lord was always with them, accessible to them and watching over them; still they sought to bow down to the gods of their oppressors or that they acquired along the way whilst ignoring the God who was able to save and to keep and sanctify them.
Brothers and sisters, how different are we today? What of our thoughts? What of the tendency we have to ignore all that we have been blessed with in pursuit of more? What of the lies we believe? What of those lies we tell and the lies we live?
The Lord made it known that the very same people He loved, called and claimed as His were determined to turn away/ to backslide although they referred to Him as Most High God. Friends, who are you calling God today? Are your lips sweet as honey calling Him? What of your heart? What of your actions?
No matter where or who you are today, the Lord loves you with an unwavering love. Disobedience might have taken you down the wrong path but we are further encouraged by our brother Peter who wrote in 2 Peter 3:15 ‘bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation.
As we consider how we react to how others treat us, may we also consider how we treat others but more importantly how God treats us. And worship him accordingly.
Until next week, be confident in our Father’s unfailing love and remember that it is through God’s patience with that we receive salvation.
Kerone Lamoth