Friday Reflection – April 30, 2021
The Gospel of Peace
The word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ: (he is Lord of all:)Acts 10:36 KJV
Jesus did not come into the world, for some, but for all men: Jews , Gentiles and all nations. It was foretold through the prophet Isaiah ( 9:6-7) and again in Acts chapter 10, we hear Peter proclaiming this same Gospel of peace ( Jesus is Lord of all).
Jesus Christ, by whom peace is made between God and man, is Lord of all. *There are 3 things we should note about this Gospel of peace:*
1. The Gospel of peace through Jesus Christ advocates for right standing not just with God, but also peace among men ( all nations).
2. The Gospel of peace is the extended grace of our Lord Jesus Christ to ALL people. Not Just ‘Christians’, but to all those who seek a relationship with him.
3. The Gospel of peace is everlasting. There is no end to this peace that is offered through Jesus Christ.
May the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, guard your hearts and mind in Christ Jesus. May you be able to stand before God and man as one who is overshadowed by the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ. May your mouth speak only the things that will facilitate peace and love. May you never forget or discredit the peace which Jesus offers to all people. Let peace everlasting guide you in the way you are to go.
Until next week, let the beauty of Jesus be seen in you.
Many Blessings,Shaneka Raymore Euphfa