Monday Reflection – January 18, 2021

Monday Reflection – January 18, 2021

A Heart of Repentance and Worship

You alone are the Lord. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you. Nehemiah 9:6(NIV)

Nehemiah 9 begins with a most beautiful moment in the life of Israel as the nation gathers in humble repentance. The wall around Jerusalem is completed in record time; the wall is providing security; the people have heard and are obedient to God’s Word; and God is doing a significant work in the lives of His people. Now there is a scene of dramatic, humble repentance. They assemble with fasting, demonstrating their lowly, humble state. They are in sackcloth with dust on their heads to show their complete poverty of spirit before God. They also want to convey that they are so troubled by their sin that food and the normal comforts of life are unimportant. Here we see a sincere reflection of a humble attitude of heart.

Those of Israelite lineage separate themselves from all foreigners as they confess the sin of their nation. While the humble demonstration of repentance is important, the inward confession of our sins is critical. We must realize and admit that we miss God’s mark. We sin both by commission and omission. Of these, we must repent, and such repentance grows as we grow closer to Jesus. Charles Spurgeon rightly says that, “repentance is not a thing of days and weeks, a temporary penance to be got over as fast as possible! No, it is the grace of a lifetime, like faith itself. Repentance is the inseparable companion of faith.” As this great, humble gathering of God’s people takes place, they are drawing close to God, and now He is drawing them even closer!

The people assemble to hear God’s word and to worship Him. God’s word is read from the Book of the Law and the people confess and worship God. The leaders of the congregation cry out to the Lord. The first part of this cry is about praise to the God of all creation. It is here that we find today’s Watchword. After the encouragement to praise, Ezra gives a reason to praise – God is god alone; He made the heavens and the earth and all that there is; He is not just creator, but life-giver, for he gives life to everything. Looking at the glory of God’s creation gives us reason to praise Him, to humble ourselves before Him, and to trust Him. God gives us sufficient reason to worship Him; we don’t need to search for any of our own.

This great God is already worshipped by the multitudes of heaven; just seeing His glory gives them reason to. How much more should we His creatures worship Him. God creates and sustains unendingly, offers His love unconditionally, and administers his grace and mercy in unlimited measure. We have enough reason to offer to God the best of our praise unreservedly.

Jermaine Gibson