Monday Reflection – February 01, 2021
God of Impossibilities
Is anything too difficult for the Lord? At the appointed time I will return to you, at this time next year, and Sarah will have a son.” Genesis 18:14 NASB
Today’s Watchword comes in the midst of God’s long-given promise to bring Abraham and Sarah a son even in their very old age. This seems so ridiculous that Sarah thought it laughable that God would give her a son in her old age. By all outward circumstance, there was good reason for Sarah to laugh at the literal fulfilment of this promise. She had passed the age of childbearing; menstruation and menopause were behind her. It would only take a miracle from God for them to have literal children through normal means.
Interestingly, and perhaps ironically, this is what Sarah and Abraham most wanted all their lives – to have a child of their own. Yet they found it hard to believe God’s promise when He said He would grant it to them. But, isn’t it true that this is a usual characteristic of us to believe God’s promise for a long, long time, enduring much discouragement along the way, until the promise is almost there, and then we begin to doubt? We thank God today that our God is greater than our doubts.
Sarah and Abraham thought it impossible, but Genesis 18:14 says, is anything too difficult for the Lord? This is a rhetorical question. The answer is obviously no; nothing is too hard for God. God’s power is supreme. He can do what He wants. He can supersede what we think is possible. This question reminds us that God is working all things together according to the counsel of His will. When Sarah laughed at God’s twice-given promise, we might think God would take the promise away. Instead, God responded by dealing with her sin of unbelief, not by taking away the promise. Indeed, “If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself” (2 Timothy 2:13). God triumphs over the weak faith of His people.
Friends, as we think about our lives, what are we asking God for? What are we asking God to do that is impossible without Him? Are we asking God to see Him move in ways that make no sense? Maybe we have been praying for something for a long time and we have almost given up. I encourage us today to have renewed faith that nothing is too hard for the Lord. Just a word of caution: This does not mean that everything we ask of God is guaranteed because nothing is too hard for Him. When we pray, we need to make sure that our hearts are aligned to His will. We pray believing that God can do and will do when it is wise and good and glorifying to Him. He will do the impossible; more than that, He is the God of impossibilities!
Today we pray like the apostles, O God, “Increase our faith!” Luke 17:5
Jermaine Gibson