Thursday Reflection October 8, 2020 Witnesses

Thursday Reflection

October 8, 2020


Joshua said to the people, “You are witnesses against yourselves that you have chosen the Lord, to serve him.” And they said, “We are witnesses.” Joshua 24:22

Good day friends,

I greet you in the Mighty name of Jesus!

Today I want to reflect briefly on the passage stated above. Joshua, along with the Israelites had conquered majority of the Promised Land. Joshua invited them to a meeting to distribute the land and to encourage them to faithfully serve the Lord. Despite Joshua’s reservation the people assured Joshua that they would faithfully serve the Lord. It is Joshua’s response to people’s assurance that is our text for reflection. He pointed out that they [the Israelites] are witnesses against themselves and they agreed to being witnesses. Similarly, we too, are witnesses to the pledge we have made and therefore I want to leave three points for us to reflect on.

1) You made a commitment to serve God

When you gave your life to the Lord, you made a commitment with the Lord. No one forced or can force you to accept the Lord. That is a personal decision. A decision to give up all things for the sake of Jesus and him crucified. So you are held accountable for it is YOUR decision.

2) You have to hold yourself accountable

I know we are in an era where some of us have accountability partners to help us with our spiritual journey, however at the end of the day you have to hold yourself accountable. No one else can.
If you choose not to share with your accountability partner your every moment of weakness or your every sin, then that partner cannot help you. You have to be accountable to yourself, whether that is sharing with others or being honest with yourself. If you find yourself drifting away from God, YOU have to make that decision to get back on track. YOU have to be serve God faithfully.

3) Testify of God’s faithfulness

As witnesses we MUST testify of what God has done for us and even for others. We MUST declare! We MUST speak out! That’s the responsibility of a witness. They share what they have seen or heard. We are to do likewise. We tell others of God’s grace and mercy.

Until next week be faithful witnesses.


Christopher Euphfa

Wednesday Reflection, October 7, 2020

Wednesday Reflection, October 7, 2020

Pardon for Sin

Brothers and sisters, I greet you well! How many proverbs do you know? How many did you grow up on? And how many do you still use and find to be quite applicable still? The fact that there is nothing new under the sun resonated with me from the very first time I read Ezekiel 18.

The chapter opens with the Isrealites lamenting that they were being punished for the sins of their fathers simply because, the fathers ate the sour grape and set the children teeth on edge. How old were you when you learnt that this particular proverb was in fact biblical?

My friends, it is very easy for us to believe this proverb to be true especially in a world and culture that seems unable to cut you some slack. If it’s not one thing its another and if its not one thing its the other. Affliction, persecution, disappointment. Conflict, pain, singleness, joblessness, wayward children, unfaithful spouses, on and on the litany goes…

But as God reminded the people to put away such foolish thinking and not to discontinue the use of that particular proverb. He also reminded them that He judges each individual based on their individual sins. In Ezekiel 18:23 He speaks, ‘Have I any pleasure in the death of the wicked, says the Lord God, and not rather that they should turn from their ways and live? Today’s watchword. Whilst it is easy to believe one is being punished for something more or that he didn’t do, it would be unwise for the believer to pursue or continue in sin because the Lord bids each of come to repentance where He will blot out our sins and remember them no more.

Jesus said, ‘ I have come as light into the world, so that everyone who believes in me should not remain in darkness.

Let us pray, Father in heaven, whose love profound
A ransom for our souls has found,
Before thy throne we sinners bend;
To us your pardoning love extend. E Cooper
Eternal Father, thank you for making us aware that you want the very best for us, life in all its fullness.


Kerone Lamoth

The Spirit Gives Hope

The Spirit Gives Hope

God’s promise to pour out his Spirit upon Israel is seen at different points in the Old Testament. The passage in which today’s watchword falls begins with the destruction of the armies of Israel’s enemies, Israel’s celebration and their restoration. This all becomes evidence of God’s visible presence in Israel’s midst. Today’s Watchword is God’s promise of His presence to Israel. I will never again hide my face from them, when I pour out my spirit upon the house of Israel, says the Lord. Ezekiel 39: 29.

When we read the Young’s Literal Translation, it says: ‘And I hide not any more My face from them, In that I have poured out My spirit on the house of Israel, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah!’ God affirms His presence in Israel with the promise of His blessings on His people and they are expected to respond by adhering to God’s ways. Those who practice godliness are certain to receive God’s favor. The Lord’s promise to Israel and to us is that the outpouring of His Spirit would signify His lasting presence. Peter alluded to this on the Day of Pentecost as he addressed the crowd, quoting Joel 2: 28 – I will pour out my spirit on all people. This outpouring of the Spirit on all people was to be something new, something different and something spectacular. Prior to this the Spirit of God had been seasonal and not readily accessible. We see for example in Judges 3: 10 where the Spirit of God rested on Othneil and he became a judge of Israel and went to war. We also read in 1 Samuel 10: 10 where the Spirit of God rested on Saul and he joined a group of prophets and started to prophesy. The promise of today’s watchword however is that the time would come when God’s Spirit would be both available and accessible, leading humanity to practice Godliness and be recipients of God’s grace.

The text, as well Joel’s prophecy and others in the Old Testament, pointing to the outpouring of the Spirit of God on all people, was interpreted by Peter as having been fulfilled through Jesus Christ who had told them to await the coming of the Holy Spirit. God had poured his Spirit upon them through the work, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ. We note however that the passage within which the watchword falls speaks of the total defeat of the enemies of God’s people, which I would interpret today as the enemy of the church. Although the Holy Spirit has been poured out among us, and although we are enabled to live Godly lives through this presence, we still await the defeat and destruction of the enemy. This will definitely come in accordance with God’s promise to us. We live in this broken world, often reflecting its brokenness but always holding to the hope that the Holy Spirit gives. The hope that He who now dwells within us will defeat all that seeks to destroy us. Sickness, disease, death, human evil, spiritual wickedness, the broken pieces of earthly living. Indeed, all that comes between humanity and Godly living will one day be defeated for all eternity as God establishes His new kingdom for those in whom His Spirit dwells. My prayer for us is that we will all continue to live by the Spirit until that day when our hope for an eternity of God’s perfect reign is established. May the visible presence of God in our hearts and lives, provide the hope we need every day. Amen

Monday Reflection – October 05, 2020 From the Archives #1

Monday Reflection – October 05, 2020
From the Archives #1
October 09 this year will mark three years that God led me to start Monday Reflections. As you know, what started out as Monday Reflection has developed into Weekly Reflections. Allow me to say thanks to Brothers Bevon White, Christopher Euphfa, and Dominic Blair and Sisters Shaneka Raymore Euphfa and Kerone Lamoth for sharing God’s word and for their commitment to this ministry. I must also express thanks to Sister Shantal Walters-Wilson who provided the inspiration and insight that led us to do both written and audio versions of the reflections. Hitherto hath the Lord helped us! In celebration of this journey, I have decided to go back to the archives and share the first four reflections for this month of October.
Monday Reflection – October 09, 2017
What is this season? What season are you in? 
Watchword: For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1
There are four seasons of the year. 

  1. There is spring when seeds take root and vegetation begins to grow. The weather is warmer, and often wetter. Animals wake or return from warmer climates, often with newborns. 
  2. There is summer when there is usually increase in temperature to the hottest of the year. In this period droughts are most likely to occur and forest fires may become more frequent. 
  3. There is autumn or fall when temperatures cool again. Plants may begin to grow dormant. Animals might prepare themselves for the upcoming cold weather, storing food or traveling to warmer regions.   
  4. There is winter which often brings a chill. Some areas may experience snow or ice, while others see only cold rain. Animals find ways to warm themselves, and may have changed their appearance to adapt. What season are you in physically, emotionally and spiritually?

The word today is not about the literal seasons of the year, but the word is about God’s determined season/time. The word ‘time’ has two meanings in the Greek language. 

  1. Kronos – This is the chronological time that we observe every day, week, hour, minute and second. It is about day into night and night into day. 
  2. Kairos – This is God’s appointed time, the actions and interventions of God in His own time.
    While we operate in chronological time, the God who transcends time, operates in his time (kairos). We make plans to fit into this time (kronos), yet God acts in his time (kairos). These two do not always converge, but we must recognize that God’s timing, actions and plans will always outdo, even eliminate, ours. 
    The Doctrinal Text is instructive in light of the Watchword. It says:
    Peter said to Jesus, “Master, it is good for us to be here; let us make three dwellings, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah” – not knowing what he said. Luke 9:33 
    Two thoughts immediately come to mind:
    1. Peter spoke when he should have been quiet – It is no wonder that the text says that Peter himself did not know what he said. He uttered words that he didn’t even know or understand. In the midst of the magnificent transfiguration, Peter was transfixed and confused and just said words. He missed the opportunity to be silent. We do not always have to speak; in fact, we should listen twice as much as we speak (no wonder we have two ears and one mouth). In this season, it may be the time to be silent……and watch……..and listen. There is indeed a time to speak and a time to be quiet.
    2. Peter wanted to stay permanently in this moment of exhilarating experience – This was evident as he desired to build three tabernacles. We love the mountaintops and despise the valleys. We wish we only had seasons of excitement, happiness, success and achievement. We don’t like sadness, disappointment, and failures. We wish our experiences were all exhilarating and breath-taking. 
    We have lived long enough to know that life is filled with many seasons, ups and downs, mountains and valleys. What season are you in? Perhaps you are up on the mountain/in the spring experiencing the blessings of growth; yet your valley will come. Perhaps you are in the valley/in the drought of the summer; yet your mountaintop will come. What season is it? What season are you in?
    Whatever season it is and whatever season we are in, be assured that God remains present and constant. God is present in our kronos and acts in his kairos. Open your hearts today and this week for God’s perfect action and kairos. 
    Prayer from the Daily Text:
    Father of all creation, we honour you for making all things beautiful in their season. May we live each season knowing that it is a part of a master plan and design. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. 
    Jermaine Gibson

Saturday Reflection – 03 October 2020

Saturday Reflection – 03 October 2020

“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness – on them light has shined. Isaiah 9:2

Have you ever wanted to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, and the light switch is on the other end of the room so you have to grope around in the dark to find your way safely. Many times, we are successful and other times, we hit our toe against something in the room. Imagine that state of uncertainty as to exactly where on the wall, the light switch is, as we grope around and cannot seem to find its exact location. See our arms outstretched as we try to guide ourselves safely to the bathroom. Now, imagine the difference when we find the switch and the light is turned on. It is a completely different reality. There is clarity and we know exactly where we are going.

The prophet Isaiah uses this comparison to bring home the immense darkness that covers the world. In that darkness, there is hopelessness, fear, frustration, hurt and pain, there is no clarity in thought and sight and we grope around to find our way. And there, in that dark and dread state, comes the Christ to dispel the darkness. Jesus said “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” (St. John 8:12)

Remember that clarity that we experienced when we finally found the light switch and we turned it on. Now, we see the obstacles clearly that prevented our way – some we tripped over, some in front of us. But we see the path clearly to where we need to go. There is the change when our eyes are opened, and we see things clearer. We begin to recognize those snares that trapped us, the obstacles that we need to avoid, and we walk hand-in-hand with our all-seeing and all-knowing Saviour who journeys with us to the very end. All that groping around, the hopelessness, fear, frustration, hurt and pain is transformed as the darkness is dispelled and replaced with power, love and a sound mind.

Isaiah begins to ignite hope in a hopeless and broken world marred by the consequences of sin, negligence and disobedience. There, the Messiah would come and bring light to the world. He would teach us the way to live and open the gates of glory. He would come to heal our brokenness, help the sick and sin-sick and open our eyes. As a ransom for sin he would reconcile us with God. Now the Messiah has come, and the light shines in the darkness. There is hope where it seems that we no longer can see our way through. Light to guide us, journey with us – journey through this pandemic that seems to have clouded the pathway that is our normalcy. Brothers and sisters, even in this pandemic – our moment of deep darkness, on us light has shined.

We do not need to grope around, for the Christ, the light of the world, has guided us, through his Word, his Holy Spirit and the health professionals that seek to safeguard our health. Therefore, we need not be afraid, but be wise and obedient.

Until next week, as we journey onwards, may we know him and walk in his light. There is hope for in the midst of the darkness, David declares “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” (Psalm 16:11, ESV) Amen.

Dominic J. Blair