Monday Reflection – August 10, 2020

Monday Reflection – August 10, 2020

Let God Rule!

Gideon said to them, “I will not rule over you, and my son will not rule over you; the Lord will rule over you.” Judges 8:23

Today’s Watchword is Gideon’s response to the Israelites who wanted to make him king. Verse 22 says, Then the men of Israel said to Gideon, “Rule over us, both you and your son, and your grandson also; for you have delivered us from the hand of Midian.” Gideon was a judge of Israel, but the people wanted a kingdom. Interestingly, the desire for a human king over Israel started early in the nation’s history. Hundreds of years later (in the days of Samuel the prophet and judge), God gave Israel the king they asked for, with Saul as their first king.

Gideon’s response was very appropriate for he understood that it was not his place to take the throne over Israel because the Lord was king over Israel. This was a reflection of his theology – Jehovah was their true king. What other nation had the Creator, the Lord of heaven and earth, as their King? None! What a priviledge! Gideon seems to acknowledge his awareness that he was only an instrument in God’s hands and he knew God meant for Israel to be a people and nation ruled by God Himself. They already had a King if only they would acknowledge him. Morgan advises that this should be the attitude of all those who God raises up to lead and deliver His people. Their leadership must always stop short of sovereignty. Their business is never that of superseding the Divine rule; but of interpreting it, and of leading the people to recognition of it, and submission to it. This is true, not only of kings, but also of priests, prophets, and preachers.

Unfortunately, Gideon’s insight, modesty and humility at this moment in history are in sharp contrast to the events that follow, for he acted like a king thereafter. His words were humble, but his actions were not. It is easier to talk about humility and service to God than it is to actually live it. We must ponder the words of Solomon in Proverbs 27:21: “The crucible is for silver and the furnace for gold, and a man is tested by the praise accorded him.” The truth is that success and praise are not always easy to handle, and the love of power can get the better of us.

It all boils down to the place God occupies in our lives. When God is sovereign ruler of our lives, we know that we have no other option but to submit to his will and purpose. We learn that God sets up people in authority and takes down whomever he determines. There is no attitude of self-exaltation nor self-promotion, but we humble ourselves under the rulership of God. Neither do we exalt nor promote others for our benefit, but follow the directives of God. We rid ourselves of every sense of feeling like we are indispensable and recognize that we are here today and gone tomorrow, and we are eventually forgotten.

Let God rule and reign in our hearts, our lives, our homes, our nation and our world.

Jermaine Gibson