Tuesday Reflection – August 04, 2020 Positioned to Praise

Tuesday Reflection – August 04, 2020 Positioned to Praise

A reading of today’s Watchword puts us in the mindset of worship. Psalm 26 is a Psalm of David in which he places himself before the Lord as his vindicator. David clothed himself in the mercy and grace of God declaring that he would remain upright and would never lose hope in his God regardless of what came his way. He declared total dependence and complete confidence in the Lord as he sought God’s guidance to keep him on the right path. The final statement of the Psalm is our Watchword for today. In the great congregation I will bless the Lord. Psalm 26: 12 The entire verse 12 reads, ‘My foot stands in an even place; In the congregations I will bless the Lord.’ David is speaking from a position of confidence. In the Psalm he declared the intention of his heart not to become involved in evil practices. His purpose is clear. He will not allow any mitigating circumstances to shift him from his resolution to serve God. Whatever comes, even with all that he was experiencing at the moment, his perspectives would not change because he looked forward to that moment when he would be able to share his testimony of God’s deliverance with the community. David was assured of God’s keeping. He knew that the God he served would be true to his covenant. “Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people …” Exodus 19:5. David knew that his faithfulness would be rewarded and he would be able to proclaim it to the people. He was also assured of divine protection. As long as he remained true to God, as long as his trust was unwavering, God would never allow him to fall to the forces that surrounded him, that were coming at Him.  Dear friends, let me ask you today, what is the source of your confidence in God? What gives you the certainty of a testimony regardless of what is happening around you? Like David we have to be resolute, unflinching in our faith regardless of the uncertainties that surround us. James encourages us in 1: 12, Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him. Our confidence should never be in ourselves or any worldly system. Our confidence should be in God alone. Indeed, he will keep us in perfect peace when our minds are stayed on Him. Isaiah 26: 3. When we are so positioned, we will have the assurance and protection we need to face any challenge and still come out praising our God, knowing that He and only He could have brought us through. Our faithfulness will always be rewarded by God’s deliverance, provision and protection. When we live in this way, we are not only building up ourselves spiritually, but we also build up the entire congregation of God’s people through our testimony. Like David we should be resolute in our commitment to be unwavering in the certainty of God’s faithfulness. I strongly encourage you dear friends, ensure that you stand firmly rooted and grounded where you are positioned to offer total and complete praise to Him who will never leave or forsake those who are faithful to Him. Amen   
Bevon White