Friday Reflection July 24, 2020. The Conjunction

*Friday Reflection*
*July 24, 2020*

*The Conjunction*
And lead us not into temptation, *but* deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
Matthew 6:13 KJV

Good morning Friends, happy Friday!!
Apologies for the absence of last week’s reflection.

*Background:* The word *but* defined by the online Oxford dictionary is used to introduce a phrase or clause *contrasting* with what has already been mentioned. So often we read the word of God and we pay little attention to the part of speech of the words used in the text. Today I invite you to journey with me as we take a look at the conjunction in this passage of scripture.

*Application:* Hear Jesus in the text “and lead us not into temptation *BUT* deliver us from evil…” Jesus was teaching us to pray against temptation. Both because of the discomfort and trouble of them, and because of the danger we are in of being overcome by them. Not to mention the guilt and grief that usually follow.

He didn’t stop there, he continued… *BUT* deliver us from evil.. I sat and wondered why would Jesus use the word *but*… He could have said lead us not into temptation full stop or even lead us not into temptation comma. Instead he said but deliver us from evil..

Any other word would have changed the whole meaning of the petition. The conjunction ‘but’ had to be used. Why? Because of the very nature of the word. The word ‘but’ as we read earlier is used to introduce a phrase contrasting with what has been mentioned before. So Jesus was teaching us to pray that we might not fall into temptation *but* instead be delivered from evil.

He was making a clear distinction between the two statements. He was saying I reject that first statement. In other words we are not to focus on being tempted but pray that God will deliver us from all evil that might beset us.

What evil was Jesus referring to? The evil one, the devil, the tempter; we should pray always that God will will “keep us, that either we may not be assaulted by him, or we may not be overcome by those assaults:” Evil can and also be our own selfish desires. The Bible warns against the enemy as well as list of worldly and pleasure. Therefore, we should be careful that we don’t misunderstand the word evil to only mean that of the devil.

*But* we continue to pray that God will help us to overcome temptations as we seek to live a life pleasing to him.

The next time you pray the Lord’s prayer or any other prayer remember to place emphasis on the conjunction.. Let us pray..

*Prayer:* God we petition your throne of grace and we ask that we may never be tempted with out own evil desires *BUT* “Lord, deliver us from the evil of the world, the corruption that is in the world through lust; from the evil of every condition in the world; from the evil of death; from the sting of death, which is sin: deliver us from ourselves, from our own evil hearts: deliver us from evil men, that they may not be a snare to us, nor we a prey to them.” AMEN!

Until next week friends, walk good and stay safe!

Shaneka Raymore Euphfa