Thursday Reflection July 9, 2020 God my protector against evil

Thursday Reflection*

*July 9, 2020*

*God my protector against evil*

*If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. Psalms 91: 9-10 NIV*

Good day friends!

Let me first apologise for the absence of last week’s reflection. Today our text is one of protection but only if we make the Lord our refuge and dwelling place. What does it mean to make the Lord our refuge and dwelling place? Let us begin with the latter first.

Dwelling is defined as a place of residence; somewhere you live. Where we live is generally believed to be the place where we spend a lot of our time as indicated by the word dwell. Therefore, the Psalmist is saying he spent majority of his time with the Lord to the point God became his dwelling place. As such no harm overtook him and no disaster came near his tent.

The same is true for us today. If we spend much of our time with the Lord and make the Lord our refuge, then no harm will overtake us and no disaster will come near our tent. Refuge is defined as a place or situation providing safety and shelter. So if we make the Lord that place we go to for safety and shelter, then no harm will overtake us. This does not mean we will not face hardship and trials. It does not mean we will not face sickness and death. What it does mean is that the situations we face will not have the final say in our lives because God is there to shield and protect us. So those who trust in the Lord will not be overcome by the situations they will face.

Friends I implore us to make the Lord our dwelling place. Spend time with God and watch how the Lord will protect you. I want to close today’s reflection with a prayer.

Jehovah Nissi, God our banner, we come to you in such a time as this: COVID-19 continues to run rampant, Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Racism and social injustice plague the world, crime and violence in Jamaica still a grave cause for concern, demonic attacks against your church among so many other situations. God it is in this time we turn to you our refuge and dwelling place.

We place all that is happening in this world into your capable hands. You still sit on your throne as Lord and still have control over this world. We pray that you will protect us from COVID-19 and keep us safe. Be with our families and friends both locally and internationally. We pray for a blood coverage. We pray for the Congo that you will stem the outbreak of Ebola. Cut it off where it is and be with the people of Congo. We pray against racism and social injustice that take place in this world. Help us to remember that all lives matter and we are one. You did not create us to be black or white but you created us to be human beings. Help us to see each other as such.

We bring the crime situation before you. We pray for peace Lord. We pray that we will learn to love each other as a nation. We pray for a special blood coverage over the security force and in the same breath we pray that you will rid the police force of corrupt cops.

We come against the spiritual attack against the church. We come against the presence of evil that tricks some of our people to think it is okay to live in sin and still be part of the body of Christ. We come against the apathy that exists among some members of the church. Help us to remember we represent Christ in all that we do. Give us the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome the evil attack against the church.

Lord you are our refuge and our dwelling place. We place all of these in your hands and I pray that we will join together in sincere prayer as we fight against the face of evil. I pray that we will agree as we pray in the Mighty and powerful name of Jesus. Amen!

Sisters and brothers let us keep praying as we stand against the forces of darkness.

*Until next week Blessings!*

*Christopher Euphfa*