Thursday Reflection June 25, 2020

Thursday Reflection

June 25, 2020

Jesus LOVES you

Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Romans 8:35

As I reflected on this passage I thought about friendships. There are expectations that we have of our friends, but those expectations are not always met. Our friendships sometimes become affected by the situations happening in one’s life. The true nature of one’s friendship is revealed during hardships. Hardship determines who will remain with you and who will leave you. Your true friends stick with you during hardships.

Jesus is a true friend right until the end. This is what Paul highlights in Romans 8:35. Who will separate us from the love of Jesus. The verse continues by stating, “Will hardship, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?” None of these challenges will ever cause Jesus to stop being there for us or stop loving us. No matter how much trouble we face; no matter if we have nothing at all; no matter if our lives are being threaten Jesus will always LOVE us.

What a reassurance! We can rest assure if no one else is there for us, Jesus will be there. He doesn’t allow our situation and circumstances to stop him from loving us. If we are poor Jesus still loves us. If we are downtrodden, Jesus is still there. If we are oppressed, we’re not alone. The song writer says ‘What a friend we have in Jesus. All our sins and griefs to bear. What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer.” A better friend than Jesus you will not find. But there is a condition.

This assurance of Jesus’s love is for those who accept him. Hear the question asked in verse 33, “Who will bring charge against God’s elect?” The condition here mentioned in verse 35 and really all of chapter 8 is for those who have accepted Jesus as their saviour. These persons are God’s elect. Those who have accepted Christ can rest assure that nothing can separate us from God’s love. That’s how great the LOVE of Jesus is for us.

Until next week know that Jesus LOVES you and He’ll always be there for you.


Christopher Euphfa