Thursday Reflection – May 28, 2020

Thursday Reflection – May 28, 2020

Jesus is here to help

The sick man answered him, “Sir, I have no one to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; and while I am making my way, someone else steps down ahead of me.” Jesus said to him, “Stand up, take your mat and walk.” John 5:7-8

Thirty-Eight years is a long time to be ill. I can imagine being ill for so long comes with many challenges both physically and mentally. This man was paralyzed and was positioned in one of the porches located at the pool of Bethesda. There were five porches there and many sick individuals laid in them. Why? It was believed that the pool had healing components whenever it was stirred. But it seem that the healing component was limited to the first person who entered the pool after it was stirred.

Jesus went by the Pool of Bethesda, where many sick people were. He saw the paralytic man who was ill for thirty-eight years and asked if he wanted to be made well. Our text for reflection is the man’s response. There are a few thoughts I want to share with us today as we examine the sick man’s response.

1.       He was hopeless

The response by the sick man showed the hopelessness of his situation. There was no one to help him get to the pool, which had the healing component. He was paralyzed so he couldn’t walk over to the pool and by the time he started making his way to the pool when it was stirred, someone would reach the pool before he did. Furthermore, there was no one to help him. By all indications he was alone. For thirty-eight years he has been struggling with this illness. The text doesn’t tell us if he had friends before and they left or died. What it does tell us is that there was no one, not even a Good Samaritan to help him get into the pool, when it was stirred. Let me paint the picture. There was no set time when the pool was be stirred, it happened randomly. So there was no one there to wait with him until the pool was stirred and then get him to the pool before the other sick people there. So he poured out to Jesus the hopelessness of his situation.

2.       He did not know Jesus

The paralytic man did not know who was speaking to him. He did not know that Jesus, the Miracle Worker, was speaking to him and asking him if he wants to be made well. He was clueless. I believe if he knew it was Jesus or knew who Jesus was, his response would have been different. Instead of focusing on the hopelessness of the situation, He would have been filled with hope, just at the sight of Jesus. Also, because he did not know it was Jesus, he thought Jesus was talking about the pool. In this man’s eyes this was the only way he could be made well. He thought it was just an ordinary man talking to him. But Jesus is no ordinary man. He is the savior of the world. He is a healer, miracle worker, teacher, and friend. Jesus was offering this man something that he thought was impossible. Jesus healed the man and offered him something more. In verse 14, when Jesus saw the man again he said to the man, “See, you have been made well! Do not sin anymore, so that nothing worse happens to you.” Jesus had also forgiven the man of his sins. He offered him the gift of salvation. Did he accept it? We do not know.


There are many people in the world that have been ill for years. For the man in this text he was paralyzed and without friends to help. For many other people their illness ranges from abusive relationships, bankruptcy, emotional pain, terminal illness, paralysis, fear etc. For many of us we have been going through these challenges for months, years, decades without any form of help. For some they have no one to help them and have become hopeless. But there is a man called Jesus who wants to make you well. He wants to offer you something that you did not think was possible. He doesn’t only want to address your physical needs, but also your spiritual needs. Recognize him today! He says, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.”  

Jesus is here to help


Christopher Euphfa