Friday Reflection May 22, 2020 Forgiveness & Compassion

*Friday Reflection*
*May 22, 2020*
*Forgiveness & Compassion*

So he set off and went to his father. But while he was still far off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion; he ran and put his arms around him and kissed him.
*Luke 15:20 NRSV*

Good morning Brothers and Sisters, blessed Friday to you all, I trust you are keeping safe and well.
Today’s reflection takes us to the gospel of St. Luke chapter 15 , our verse for reflection is verse number twenty. (Read verse)

*Background:* The chapter holds the parables of the lost sheep, and the piece of silver. (1-10) The prodigal son, his wickedness and distress. (11-16) His repentance and pardon. (17-24) The elder brother offended. (25-32). For the purpose of today’s reflection we are looking solely at *the prodigal son’s pardon*. Most, if not all of us are familiar with this parable. If you are not, I invite you to read the chapter in it’s entirety.

*Application:* There are three things I want us to take away from today’s word:

1. *Being convicted of our own sin / wrong doing is of great importance:* Having considered how ungrateful he was, he moved to the action that led to his return to his father. The verse says ” so he sets off and went to his father”. The realization of our own sin and wrong doing will bring about conviction in our hearts and we MUST return to our father (God) and seek pardon. Need I remind us that *repentance require action*.

2. *A father knows and recognize his children from a distance:* The verse indicates that “while he was still afar off his father saw him”. It doesn’t matter how long you have left him, it doesn’t matter how far you have stayed, once you return to him, he can see you from a distance, he will remember you, your height & weight, your smell, your intentions and your heart. Our father knows his children!

3. *A father has compassion towards his children:* This perhaps is my favorite part of the verse. “His father saw him and was filled with compassion; he ran and put his arms around him and kissed him.”
His father could have seen him and allow him to reach up to him, however so overwhelmed with joy, love, forgiveness and compassion towards his son, the father met him on the way. So it is with our Father, he sees our intentions to return to him and meets us on our journey. Showering us with forgiveness and compassion, not that we deserve it, but because of His loving kindness and tender mercies.

*Prayer:* Lord , we give you thanks for your forgiveness and compassion towards us. It is not that we are good and faithful children, but it’s is only because of our conviction of sin and our willingness to return to you, our father. We pray that you will continue to love us, as we continue to walk in your love and compassion. In Jesus name, amen!.

Until next week, think on these things!
Shaneka Raymore Euphfa

Thursday Reflection May 21, 2020

*Thursday Reflection**May 21, 2020*

**Thursday Reflection**May 21, 2020*

*You who love the Lord, hate evil! Psalm 97:10*

The presence of evil is all around us. We see it on the news. We hear of it in our communities. Some of have been victims of it? But what really is meant by evil? Ra’ is the Hebrew word used to describe evil in this text. Ra in its simplest term is evil, but other definitions of the word includes calamity, distress, misery and injury. According to Bible Study Tools, Ra is often times used to describe the opposite of good.

In other words those who love the Lord– who is good and the epitome of righteousness– must hate what is evil or what is bad in the eyes of the Lord. You see brothers and sisters we have often times look at evil as some atrocious action committed by someone or the presence of Satan and his demons. But here evil is being defined as anything that goes against what is good in the sight of the Lord. In lay man terms, I am evil, you are evil and all of humanity is evil. For the truth is we have all gone astray and our righteousness are like filthy rags. If we are all evil, why then is the Psalmist saying we should hate evil?

The answer to that is in the first part of the verse, “You who love the Lord.” Those who truly love the Lord, will love the things that the Lord loves and hate the things that the Lord hates. If we do not completely love the Lord then we cannot hate evil. It is only when we live to please the Lord that we will hate the evil that is around us and within us. When we make God our primary focus then we are consumed by that- the presence of God.

We cannot have it both ways. We cannot say we love God and still be engaged in evil. Remember evil is anything that contradicts the nature of God- it is the opposite of God’s goodness. So in other words we cannot say we love God but have haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, bear false witness and a person who stirs up conflict in the community. Proverbs 6: 17-19. We cannot say we love God but still actively practice sexual immorality, impurity and corruption; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. Galatians 5:19-21. Friends we cannot say we love God, but continue to live in sin. If we love God then we will hate these things are evil, because it goes against the will of God.

As people who love God let us love the things that God loves. “And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8. The Lord wants us to love the things that are good which is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Galatians 5:22-23.There is no middle ground. Is either you love God or you don’t. You cannot love him in part, because if you do then you will tolerate evil whether in your life or around you. We are called to stand up against evil in our lives and in the lives around us. We take a stand against evil by loving God completely.


*Christopher Euphfa*

Wednesday Reflection, May 20, 2020 Serving the Poor

Wednesday Reflection, May 20, 2020

Serving the Poor

The righteous know the rights of the poor. Proverbs 29:7

Greetings friends, all of us have been givers at one point or another. Now how many of us would consider oyrselves righteous? How about being poor?

To be considerate is to be careful in the way in which we think or treat others. Usually when one considers the poor, he may think of those who may be without food, money or fit a particular description. And whilst it is important to consider those, today I’d like to draw your attention to another aspect of poverty that is often overlooked.

What of the poor in spirit or the poor in heart? Who tends to the man, woman, boy or girl who by society’s standard have and are enjoying all the pleasures and comforts of vanity yet on the inside there is no joy. They know no peace or contentment.

How many of us, and how often do we ourselves become overwhelmed by life’s battles? What do we do? We reach out to other believers or we seek the Lord on our own behalf. It is not so for the poor who may not know the area code to Jesus’ telephone.

Brothers and sisters, poverty is not only physical but it is also spiritual and there in lies the reason for us as believers to carry out Jesus’ commands. Do not grow weary in well doing.

We ought to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ at all times, it is this good news that will forever be applicable for the mending of broken hearts, for healing and restoration, for the building and increase of faith as well as ensuring that the gospel is preached in every crevice and corner.

We all have rights. Solomon declared the righteous know the rights of the poor. Many get turned off from giving because sometimes the ones they serve return no thanks yet Christ calls us each time to a higher level of service. We do not give expecting that we will be thanked, we give because it is one way in which we are called to serve. It is in giving that we receive, not from man but from our heavenly Father.

How can a man go unless he is sent? How can he give if he hasn’t received? My friends, we don’t need to attain riches by the world’s standards to be able to witness, intercede or share with others. It is the duty and inheritance of every child of God to do the work of our Father. The fact that we awaken each morning is a testament of same.

Finally my brethren, Hebrews 6:10 reminds us “God is not unjust; he will not overlook your work and love that you showed for his sake in serving the saints, as you still do.


Kerone Lamoth

Tuesday Reflection May 19,2020.

Repent or Die

There has been many calls to change in the last three months. There is a constant call for developers to make a breakthrough with a vaccine for COVID-19. There is a call for fairness in the way people are being treated, a removal of racial and class structures in the response to those who are being treated. There is also a call for fairness in the distribution of well needed items, inclusive of food, paper products and PPE for medical workers. There is one underlying factor that has led to the necessity for all the call we have been hearing and that is the evil desire of humanity. It is this evil desire that led to the disparity now faced in so many areas of life. Our society would be so much better if humanity were to repent of their evil. That is the message of today’s Watchword from Ezekiel 33: 11. Turn back from your evil ways; for why will you die?

To be more precise, this verse is not directed to everyone in a general sense, but to a specific group, one which the Lord describes as ‘the wicked’. The complete verse reads as follows: ‘ Say to them: ‘As I live,’ says the Lord God, ‘I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways! For why should you die, O house of Israel?’’ When we read Psalm 10 we get a description of the wicked person. This is a person who is both arrogant and aggressive. Arrogance is shown in their sense of self-importance or pride. Their pride places them above everyone else. They are merciless towards anyone they perceive to be lesser than themselves. Their worship is of themselves and their drive is for material gain. Aggression is shown in their violent interactions with others. The most common form of violence of the wicked, believe it or not, comes out in their words. When we read the Psalms we see that the wicked are more often accused of speaking violence than acting out violence. Paul says of Jews and gentiles alike in Romans 3: 14, “Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness.” James also speaks of the tongue in 3: 6 And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life, and set on fire by hell. Arrogant persons have violent hearts and it is shown in the way they oppress the less fortunate, and through their treachery. It is to such persons that the word of the Lord through the prophet comes even today. ‘I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways! For why should you die?

There is a way out for the wicked. God calls upon them to turn or repent. Once arrogance, pride, aggression and violence are forsaken and righteous living is embraced, God saves the individual from a sentence of death and gives the gift of life. The question then remains: why should the wicked die when they can repent and live? The answer lies in their ability to accept God’s gift of grace. Think of Zacchaeus. He was a terrible or wicked person until he met Jesus Christ. It was for him a life changing meeting. There was something about Jesus that moved him to immediately change. Luke 19: 8, the doctrinal text for today states: Then Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord, I give half of my goods to the poor; and if I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I restore fourfold.” When the wicked repent and change their ways, humanity is being reformed, righteousness is being restored, and the world becomes a better place. There was another man who went to Jesus but did not change. He is described in Matthew 19 as the rich young ruler. He found it hard to part with his earthly possessions in order to gain heavenly peace and joy. While it is not God’s wish for any to perish, the wicked, those away from God, have a choice between repentance or death. I pray that we who have made that choice and are living into it may be guiding lights to those who are lingering in sinfulness. May we help them realize the need to repent or they will surely die, both physically and spiritually. May God in mercy keep the way clear for them to turn. Amen.

Bevon White

Monday Reflection – May 18, 2020 Faithfully Following a Faithful God

Monday Reflection – May 18, 2020
Faithfully Following a Faithful God

Lord, you gave your good spirit to instruct our ancestors. Nehemiah 9:20

Following the completion of the walls around Jerusalem in record time, the people turn their focus to God who has been on the journey with them. They spend time in his word and respond in praise, confession and acts of love. They also celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles. In today’s chapter, they gather for a time of fasting where they confess their sins and that of their ancestors, read from the Book of the Law, and worship God. The seven Levites cry out with a loud voice declaring God’s glorious name and recounting the gracious acts of God from the beginning of time. They also recall God’s leadership of the Israelites for forty years through the wilderness and into the Promised Land against all sorts of enemies.

The Levites anchor God’s journey with his people on God’s compassion. Such compassion is not just lingering about in small doses, but abounding in its nature and work. Notice how verse 19 says how the Lord ‘in his great compassion, did not forsake them in the wilderness.’ Indeed, God could easily have turned things against them. Yahweh could have moved the pillar of cloud so that it no long guided them during the day, or he could have simply shut down the special pillar of fire by night. The Lord continued to miraculously provide water and manna for that generation who did not trust him fully. Their clothes did not wear out; their feet didn’t swell. It is amazing how God continued to work in their lives. We need to remember that God had greater plans in mind for he was guiding the new generation to trust him and follow his lead. Such guidance was both through God’s marvellous work and his instructions to them.

We all are beneficiaries of God’s gracious acts in our lives as he summons us to follow him all the way. Many claim to be seeking God’s will; however, more often than not we are seeking our will rather than his. Many times we have diminished his will to, ‘Okay, I’ll still go to church if you get me that good job or deliver me from this problem.’ We need to step back and see God’s great purposes for those who dare trust him.

God still offers his gifts of grace to us even when we have left him to pursue the world. He is inviting us to return to him. This is not time to refuse God, but to return to him, the source of peace and joy. Many live off the hard work of the generations before us while we refuse God, adopt ungodly morals and do our own thing. Let’s fix our hearts and eyes on God, receive his good spirit and faithfully follow his instructions. God desires to raise us up to accomplish his work.

Jermaine Gibson