Thursday Reflection – March 5, 2020 Follow God’s way Therefore keep the commandments of the Lord your God, by walking in his ways and by fearing him. Deuteronomy 8:6
Our text today begins with Moses addressing the Children of Israel. In his speech he continues what he has been doing since he gave them the commandments in chapter five, which is to encourage them to keep the commandments. In chapters 6 & 7 he warned them about the consequences of disobeying the commandments and the benefits of obeying the commandments. He also reminded them that they are Gods chosen people. In chapter 8 he warns them not to forget God during their time of prosperity.
Moses begins chapter 8 by recalling all God did for them. He called to memory the long way God led them to get to the Promised Land in an effort to humble them. Moses stated that the Lord humbled them by allowing them to go hungry and then feeding them with manna to remind them that man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. During the forty years in the wilderness, Moses reminded them that their clothes did not wear out and their feet did not swell. As a result of the faithfulness of the Lord Moses encourage the children of Israel to keep the commandments of God by walking in Gods way and fearing the Lord.
Friends, the message of Moses is not different from today. As we look over our own lives we see the ways in which God humbled us, only to remind us that we do not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceed from the mouth of the Lord. We see how God allowed difficult situations to happen to us to show us that we are not in charge, only God is in charge. During the course of our time on earth we see how God allowed us to become hungry, only to provide for us. He clothed us so that we do not have to walk the streets naked (unless we so desire).
Friends, God has showed us time and time again that He is God. It is the provisions of God why we are here today. God reminds us that we are frail and without God there is absolutely nothing that we can achieve on our own. God has come through for us time and time and time again, proving his reliability and his faithfulness. Therefore, we must keep the commandments of God. We do so by walking in his way and fearing the Lord.
Walking in Gods way, mean we are obedient to the commands of God. The commands of God can be summed up in this way, Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your might and love your neighbor as yourself St. Matthew 22: 37-39. We cannot put anyone above God- not your boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband, mother, father, children or anything else. God is our first love and we must love him likewise. Follow the teachings of Jesus as well and this will aid in walking in Gods way.
Fear the Lord and show him respect. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom Proverbs 9:10. The fear of the Lord teaches us how to follow the commandments of God, but what does fear mean. It is what we have come to know it as: respect, terror, awe and worship of the Lord. This is what is required of us. God has been faithful and we are called to walk in his way by loving God wholeheartedly and loving our neighbors as ourselves. Also by fearing the Lord and worshipping him.
Until next week, follow God and walk in God’s way. ShalomChristopher Euphfa