Wednesday Reflection – March 04, 2020 Trust in the Lord!

Wednesday Reflection – March 04, 2020 Trust in the Lord!

Brothers and sisters, I greet you well. Today we reflect on Psalm 115; a beautifully, well written passage which forms part of a Hallel. A Hallel is a Jewish prayer in which psalms 113-118 are recited verbatim by observant Jews on Jewish holidays as an act of praise and worship.
Having read these particular psalms many times, as with any form of literature,  each time one reads, he easily may be able to walk away with something new or more profound than the last time he read. Psalm 115 begins with the declaration that it is only to God that all glory is due. Yes, the people were apparently caught between a rock and a hard place yet, they held onto the sovereignty of God. They were mindful of God’s delivering power and the fact that the dead could not offer praise therefore, it was most fitting and profitable for those alive to do so.
Friends, daily we stumble across some situations and some people that cause us to, like Mary mother of Jesus, “ponder in our hearts”. We struggle to come to terms with some decisions, we fail to grasp the meaning behind a number of events. We go about declaring God’s righteousness and telling others of His awesome might, yet some situations in our lives don’t appear to be changing; we pray, we fast, meditate and cry out in frustration and seemingly, nothing gives.
Meanwhile, others around us are seemingly prospering and sinners have begun to question our sanity and some may have even gone to the extent of questioning our faith, they’ve asked about the wisdom in serving God and you may have even begun to wonder and wander as well.
Today’s watchword, Psalm 115:11a “you who fear the Lord, trust in the Lord!”. This is not just a statement. This is a command. If the believer is confident that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, then the believer ought to understand that the Lord’s ways are not our ways, neither is the Lord’s timing the same as ours.
There still abounds many dangers, toils and snares. Confusion at its best and the type of conflicts that seek to poison our minds, blind our eyes and blocks our ears from the voice of God, making it easy to fall prey to the devil as lambs to the slaughter. The enemy is ever ready to pounce therefore, the Christian must always be prepared. Do not be deceived, God is not to be mocked. Do not get distracted,  because the coming of the Lord is nigh. Guard your hearts for everything you do comes from it.
Until next week,  I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people (Ephesians 1:18). Amen
Kerone Lamoth