Thursday Reflection – February 13, 2020

Thursday Reflection – February 13, 2020
God Will Not Fail You
It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. Deuteronomy 31:8 NRSV
I believe we all have experienced failure in our lives at some point or another. Failure is not something that we like to experience and many of us try to avoid it. As a result of fear of failure we sometimes do not venture into the unknown. We stick to what we know or accustom to doing.
Moses was giving his farewell speech. He was now 120 years old and God had revealed to him that he would not enter into the promise land. He first addressed the nation of Israel encouraging them to remain faithful for it is God who will lead them into the Promise Land. He reminds them that God will not fail them and will destroy those before them as he did the cities of Sihon and Og. Moses then summoned Joshua who would be his predecessor to lead the people into the Promise Land and gave him the same encouragement. “It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”
Joshua was entering into the Promise Land. This was a land filled with many nations and cities that were considered greater than Israel, but Moses reminded Joshua God will not fail him. The Promise Land was filled with many uncertainties and the people were considered as giants amongst the Israelites, but Moses reminded Joshua God will not fail him. The Promise Land would take years to conquer, but Moses reminded Joshua God will not fail him.
What a reassurance to know that God goes before our every uncertainty and certainty; our known and unknown. What a reassurance to know that despite all our fears of failure, God will not fail. This reassurance does not mean we will not face failure or disappointing situations. What it means is that failure and disappointing situations will not have the last say in our lives, because we serve a God who will not fail us. A God who is honest and trustworthy. Joshua did face situations of failure, but he bounced back and continued to do what was required of him and God came through. Our situations of failure will not last forever, once we remain faithful to God we must be victorious. Rest assured God is on the case. He’s better than all at keeping his promises.
Until next week stand on the solid promises of God. God will not fail you!
Christopher Euphfa