Monday Reflection – February 10, 2020

Monday Reflection – February 10, 2020

The God of our Every Detail


The Lord will send his angel with you and make your way successful. Genesis 24:40


In Genesis 24, Abraham commissions his servant to seek a bride for his son Isaac. Abraham gives clear instructions for which the servant is to follow every detail. The servant sets out to fulfil his master’s mandate and before long, a wife is found for Isaac that meets the criteria. Having encountered Rebekah and determined that she is the one, the servant proceeds with her to her family to seek permission for her to head back with him and become Isaac’s wife.


In verses 34-49, the servant tells his story and the purpose of his visit. Every detail is shared. It is in this context that today’s Watchword is located. He reveals that he said to Abraham that perhaps the woman will not follow him. However, Abraham replied, ‘The Lord, before whom I walk, will send his angel with you and make your way successful.’ What an expression of faith in God! Abraham never doubted that God would lead his servant to the right woman for Isaac. It is no wonder that in Genesis 15:6 we read, ‘Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness.’


In this text we see God’s guiding hand orchestrating the marriage between Isaac and Rebekah. We cannot but take notice of God’s providence in this matter. It serves to enable us to recognize that God takes interest in every detail of our lives. This includes the little common occurrences of human life. When we surrender our entire lives to God, he provides guidance and direction over our every affairs. No area of our lives is outside of the realm and interest of God. He is concerned about what we eat, what we wear, how we sleep, every part of our bodies, our health, our finances, our thoughts and intentions. He is concerned about our desires for marriage and who we marry. God desires to be fully in charge or not at all. His heart throbs with deep love for us beyond measure, which is the driving force of his abiding care for us.


Today, we are reminded of the God of unconditional and limitless love who desires to pour it all upon us and into us. It is out of this love experience with God that our faith develops, where we confidently press ahead knowing that God’s presence goes with us and will make our way successful.  


Let’s trust this God who is concerned about our every detail of our lives.


Jermaine Gibson 

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