Tuesday Reflection – July 30, 2019 – Receive God’s Goodness Now

Psalm 27 was written by David in the early years of his life, some believe while he was being chased by King Saul. David’s life was threatened but he faced this threat with confidence, courage and fearlessness because of his faith in God. Today’s watchword is a statement of the courage. I believe that I shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Psalm 27: 13. Life’s struggles can paralyze us with fear, but those who know and trust the Lord can be confident of receiving God’s goodness not only in the future but also in the here and now.

God’s goodness comes with His divine presence. When the Holy Spirit indwells us, it is a guarantee of God’s presence in our lives. The omnipresence, omniscience and omnipotence of God gives confidence to all believers. We know that God is always there, knows everything, and is all powerful. Acts 17: 27 reminds us that ‘He is not far from any of us.’  David was in despair but he was neither lost nor hopeless because his confidence was in the God who was present with Him. Regardless of what we face we should remain confident in God’s unchanging ability, love and grace. The person who remains in God’s presence will experience God’s goodness in the here and now.

Through God’s goodness we are given divine guidance. Divine guidance is God’s will at work in the universe. God guides and directs our lives and at times will lead us. We are not always aware of this guidance or leading, but the results of obediently following will always serve to show us God at work in our lives. When we follow God’s guidance His plan for our lives is carried out as we live according to His will. Life offers us many directions, many paths, but when we trust God’s guidance we will be like trees planted by the river which cannot be easily moved, cannot be easily swayed. When God guides us, our faith keeps us firmly grounded and like David we can say ‘I would have fallen if I had not believed that I will see God’s goodness in the land of the living’. Remember we are guided by God’s plan for us, a plan to prosper us, uplift us, give us great hope and a brighter future.

With God’s goodness comes divine protection. There are many verses in scripture that assures us of God’s protection. Romans 8 asks ‘if God is for us, who can be against us?’. In Ex 19: 4 God reminded his people that he ‘carried them on wings of eagles to himself.’ When an eagle spreads its wings, it can reach as wide as seven feet. With such wings the eagle can soar higher than any other bird. The wings also serve to protect their young. The eagle spreads its wings to provide shade and when it is cold it wraps its wings around its young. Psalm 46 reminds us that God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble. We have no reason to fear regardless of what is happening around us. You will not be loved by everyone and not everyone will support what you do. In face you will meet opposition along the way but do not give up, rather you should remember who walks with you, remember whose you are. Remember God’s promise through Isaiah: ‘No weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall confute every tongue that rises against you in judgment.’ You are blessed to be a blessing all because of God’s goodness.

Remain therefore in God’s presence, guided and protected by the Holy Spirit for God keeps in perfect peace those whose minds and hearts are dedicated to Him and we receive His goodness now.  Amen.
Bevon White