Tuesday Reflection – July 23, 2019 – Cry Out! God Hears.


Psalm 120 to 134 are known as the Psalms or songs of Ascent. They were chanted as pilgrims traveled to Jerusalem for worship, as worshipers climbed Mt Zion, or climbed the steps of the temple. Today’s watchword comes from one of these Psalms. Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord. Lord, hear my voice! Psalm 130: 1 – 2. Imagine with me, the worshipers going up, looking up to Jerusalem and chanting ‘out of the depth I cry to you O Lord. Lord hear my voice’. They were confident that God would hear their cries.
Their cry came from physical depths and was for God to strengthen them to make it to the place of worship. Their cry was for safety on the journey and for God to provide all they needed for a successful and meaningful trip. When we need sustenance and strength for life’s journeys, we should not be afraid to call unto God who hears and will give us what we need. The act of ascension also served to keep the worshipers humble as they had to go up to meet God where he was. It was a constant reminder that humanity must meet God in humility for God hears the prayers of the humble, encourages and listens to them. Psalm 10: 17.
Not only was the worshippers cry coming from a physical depth, but also from an emotional depth. They cried from the depth of brokenness. Broken homes, broken relationships, broken hearts, deep health issues, from the depth of poverty and need. Joseph Scriven penned the words ‘What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear. What a privilege to carry, everything to God in prayer’. Dear friend it does not matter what our experience is, we serve a God who hears our cries. In faith let us bring our emotional needs to the one who can truly make a difference. Be assured that your prayer has the ability to reach the height of heaven from the humility of our personal situations. Remember Jeremiah prayed from the pit and was rescued miraculously. Remember Daniel prayed from within a den of hungry lions and God shut the mouth of the lions. Remember Jonah prayed from the belly of the great fish and God preserved him and caused the fish to vomit Jonah out on dry land. Remember Paul and Silas in prison and as they prayed an earthquake opened the prison doors and the heart of their jailor. I want someone to know today that it does not matter what your circumstance is, God is able, and God is hearing your cry. When we cry out to God from the depth, from the pit of our human experiences and existence, God hears and responds to our prayer. Our crying unto God lifts us up from the sinking sand of this sinful world. Be relentless in your praying dear friend for in God’s timing you will receive what is needed.
Finally friends, as the worshipers journeyed up to worship, they cried from a spiritual depth. Aware of their sinfulness, aware of their own shortcomings, they approached their only source of salvation. As God heard their cries, they received through worship and through sacrifice, the assurance of their sins forgiven their debt pardoned and their being reconciled to God. God does the same for us when we call out to Him in prayer. When we cry out, God hears. We need to remember that God is willing to intervene in our physical and emotional challenges, but God’s goal is to save us from spiritual death and eternal damnation. It was for this reason that God sent his Son into the world. Psalm 40: 1 – 2 is the victory shout of one whose prayer was answered. ‘I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. 2 He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.’ Friends, may this be your testimony as well, as you cry out to God and God responds. Keep praying brother, keep praying sister, your breakthrough is coming. Amen.

Bevon White