Friday Reflection- July 12, 2019- Powered by Grace

He saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given to us in Christ Jesus before the world began,
2 Timothy 1:9 KJV

Greetings, peace from God the Father, I hope you are in good health and prospering in the GRACE of our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ.

I share with you the commentary on the word for today. Matthew Henry puts it this way:

“The origin of salvation is the free grace and eternal purpose of God in Christ Jesus. If we had merited it, it would have been hard to suffer for it; but our salvation by it is of free grace, and not according to our works.”

In my own words, it is not of good that we have done, but we are called to serve ONLY because God has given to us the free gift of Salvation. It is through him that we are POWERED BY GRACE

As I reflected on the text , I began to wonder whether we truly appreciate and understand the mission to which we are called. I wonder if we recall the reason for which we are called. I wonder if we are cognitive of the fact that we are called by God. I also wonder why we “work” so hard thinking that our works will carry us into eternity!

Paul in his letter to Timothy, belabored 3 very important points:

1. It is God who saved us:
2. We are called to a Holy calling:
3. It is ONLY by GRACE that we receive the FREE gift of salvation:
I want us to pay keen attend to these three pronouncements. None of the above requires human input. For this reason I urge you to keep your hearts and minds stayed on Jesus. It is easy to get caught up in the WORK of the church, it is easy to become self righteous and to act has though we are POWERED by our own doing rather that by GOD’S GRACE.

Brothers and Sisters, my beloved friends, do not be ignorant of the gospel. Instead , let the word of God sit with you day and night, that you may understand why you are here and what you are meant to do. Do not be ashamed of the admit that you are not powered by your own skills and competencies, but be bold in declaring that you are POWERED BY GRACE!

Paul is by far the most resolute apostle in history. He warns against self gratification and self righteous. He embraces the free gift of salvation. He speaks of the GRACE of God in ALL his teachings. If you won’t take it from me , take it from him.

Untill next week, remember it is not works that saves, keeps and satisfy Instead, it is the GRACE OF GOD.

Shaneka Raymore-Euphfa