Have you ever felt alone in this world? No matter how many people are around you, you still feel lonely? There is a disconnect between you and everyone else resulting in you feeling alone. Those who have lost loved ones are quite aware of this feeling. Children who have lost their parents are very familiar with this feeling. The death of a loved one has a way of making us feel alone in this world, and Jesus was quite aware of this.
In John 14, Jesus was having his last supper with his disciples when he explained that he would be with them no longer and where he is going they cannot come. By now we know Jesus was speaking of his death and resurrection. The disciples were still clueless as to what Jesus meant by “You soon will see me no longer”, but Jesus was quite aware of how it would eventually make them feel. The disciples would feel alone and abandoned. They spent the last three years with Jesus, whom they grew to love dearly. Now Jesus was saying he was going away, and even though at that time they did not understand, Jesus knew they would eventually get it. As such he told them he will never leave them orphaned.
Jesus promised that he would send the Comforter; the Advocate; the Encourager; the Holy Spirit. Whatever name is given to him in the various translation of the bibles, the Holy Spirit is all of them. In other words, the Holy Spirit is an advocate for those in need of advocacy. The Holy Spirit is an Encourager for those who need encouragement. The Holy Spirit is a Comforter to those in need of comforting and the list goes on. The Holy Spirit is a Teacher for those needing knowledge and wisdom. In simple terms, the Holy Spirit becomes what you want so that you are not alone. Jesus knew that his physical absence from this world would create a void so he sent the Holy Spirit to fill that void.
Today I want to remind us that we are NEVER ALONE. Whatever situations that cause you to feel lonely or to think that you are alone I want to remind those who love God that you’re NEVER ALONE. If the death of a loved one has caused you to feel alone, I want to remind you that you’re NEVER ALONE. If it is emotional sadness, you’re NEVER ALONE. If it is abandonment by friends and family, you’re NEVER ALONE. To those who love God and obey his commandments (John 14:15) God will send you the Comforter; the Advocate; the Encourager; the Holy Spirit to be your company.
I am always amazed by this passage in St John 14. Jesus saw that being with his Father after his resurrection would create a void in our lives, and so even thousands of years after his ascension he prepared us for this moment by sending us the Holy Spirit. Thank you Jesus!
Until next week I want to remind you that you’re NEVER ALONE.
Christopher Euphfa