Wednesday Reflection (June 19, 2019)- The Proven God

He will bless those who fear the Lord, both small and great. Psalm 115:13


We live in a world where persons not just require, but demand proof. People want to know that there is empirical evidence to support what we say. Today’s society want proof for our claims and people question everything, especially the Millennials and Generation Z. We naturally seek out tried and proven financial institutions; tried and proven insurance companies; tried and proven churches; tried and proven tradesmen etc.


On the other hand, faith does not require proof; it is about belief. The writer of Hebrews begins chapter eleven with these powerful words, Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” But lest we forget, such a faith does not exist in thin air or just suddenly descend upon us. This faith is grounded in a God who has proven himself time and time again.


In today’s Psalm, David outlines that:

1.      This Proven-God is to be glorified. We must claim no honour nor glory, but all should be directed to God. God deserves it because of his steadfast love and faithfulness. This God is consistently true to his word and has always fulfilled his promises. He is dependable, reliable, trustworthy and faithful.


2.      Other gods are useless, static, impotent and dead. In the first place, they are made by human hands. Isn’t it ridiculous that humans conceive that they can make a god and then turn again and worship it?  Such gods have no power, nor can they relate to us.


3.      Our trust should rightly be in this Proven-God. Why? Three times in this Psalm David declares that God is our help and shield. This is particularly important for the Israelites who had to face several wars against opposing armies. They required all the help they could get, and the shield was an essential defence tool. Theirs have been a history of God who not just fought with them, but fought for them. At times, all that was required was for them to stand still and watch God secure amazing victories for them.


Lest we forget, the Church is the army of God. We are in an ever-raging battle against the forces of the enemy. It seems that so many Christians don’t have a clue regarding the war that is taking place in the spiritual world. So many of us are comfortable and relaxed as if all is well; it’s as if we are just cruising along. The battle is raging!! Soldiers arise and arm yourself!! The war is on!!! Yet, this Proven-God is with us and fights for us.


4.      This Proven-God blesses those who fear him. Those who are in awe of God and establish God as priority in their lives are sure to receive God’s blessings. He rewards those who remain true and faithful.


Till next week, remember God has proven true and faithful!


Jermaine Gibson