God’s Sentinels : Wednesday Reflection

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Wednesday Reflection – August 29, 2018
God’s Sentinels

Author: Rev. Jermaine Gibson
Upon your walls, O Jerusalem, I have posted sentinels; all day and all night they shall never be silent. Isaiah 62:6

The Bible has some interesting ways of describing the people of God. God’s people are described as Royal Priesthood, Holy Nation, Peculiar People, Covenant People, Army of God, Family of God etc. In today’s Watchword, God’s people are called to be sentinels. The allusion is to watchmen on the walls of cities whose task it is to keep their place and stand, to not move from it, but to look out diligently. They were to sound the alarm should there be any enemy or danger approaching, give notice of it, defend the outer sections of the city, and repel the enemy. Undoubtedly, such a task requires courage, constancy, vigilance, and sobriety.

God’s sentinels are required to:

Watch over ourselves – The sentinel placed on the walls of Jerusalem knew very well that he had to diligently keep watch, because should an enemy invade undetected, he would be one of the first persons they would aim to kill. The sentinel is a prime target for the enemy. This is true for God’s sentinels who are called to guard God’s people against the devil. We are the prime targets that the enemy is constantly scheming to destroy; thus we have to keep watch over ourselves. Hear Paul, “But I punish my body and enslave it, so that after proclaiming to others I myself should not be disqualified.” I Corinthians 9:27

Watch over others – God’s sentinels are the guards and defenders of the Gospel and of the Church. God puts us into office, makes us able, qualifies us for the job, and enables us to perform. God’s sentinels are always on the job praying and preaching. Ceaseless prayer is necessary to discern God’s will so we may be equipped with the gifts and graces necessary for the task at hand. God’s sentinels are to declare God’s word in and out of season, frequently inculcating the doctrines of Christ, constantly affirming these things, ever informing, instructing, and exhorting the people. This is to ensure that those who name Christ as Lord remain in God’s Kingdom and are not invaded, polluted nor destroyed by the enemy. Also, those who have not yet surrendered to the lordship of Christ, will yield themselves before it’s too late.
God’s sentinels must be wakeful, faithful and willing to endure. We must be willing to stand guard day and night, never off the watch or falling asleep. God’s sentinels must never hold our peace, but take every opportunity to encourage Christians to remain focused and true, and warn sinners of the consequences of sin. God’s sentinels must never betray the cause of Christ by a treacherous or cowardly silence.

Till next week, let’s remain faithful to our calling as God’s sentinels and watchmen.